Grafana legend format examples. Dollar Sign ( $ ): Matches the end of a string.

Grafana legend format examples. Here is an example on the play site: Grafana.

Grafana legend format examples It ensures that the pattern is found at the end of the string. May 2, 2017 · Is there a way to introduce new line or a tab in the legend format for table? I have a table with long list of columns, each representing a prometheus target. Be aware that the query range dates are aligned to the step and this can change the start and end of the range. Grafana Agent has been deprecated and is in Long-Term Support (LTS) through October 31, 2025. Then we trigger our new alert rule and send a test message to a dummy endpoint. 6(978237e7cb) I’m trying to rename label by extracting legend’s key-value. I have found that (Regex) coding /^!/ will successfully find any instance where there Toggle the switch to turn the legend on or off. Try out and share prebuilt visualizations. Get your metrics into Prometheus quickly Understand format considerations when sending data to Grafana Cloud via OpenTelemetry OTLP Protocol May 8, 2017 · If you enable the Legend on a specific Graph then the chosen “measurement” will be displayed per default. Use the switch to toggle a legend on or off. Is it possible to introduce a new line in legend format, some thing like below which doesn’t work. Sep 18, 2024 · Example: ^start matches "start of the line" but not "the start". I have 8 queries and I want each query to appear as a different colour in a histogram. The following examples demonstrate how you can use override rules to alter the display of fields in visualizations. Queries are named ‘A’ and ‘B’. But the legend will then display the current value of the difference, as well as its min, max, avg, which will be quite the crappy UX. There are no fields in Elasticsearch that represent what the queries are. This is a default display mode of the legend. It can be located in legend name header of Table style, where now is empty place (when enabled Values options). Choose whether you want to display the heatmap legend on the visualization by toggling the Show legend switch. I am using GROUP BY(friendly_name) in the query, which gives the following: The problem is that I want to rename the legend entries automatically to just show the Jun 4, 2018 · Name Description Legend format Controls the name of the time series, using name or pattern. Grafana also includes three special data sources: Grafana, Mixed, and Dashboard. Use these settings to define how the legend appears in your visualization. For example, set this to 1h to hint that measurements are taken hourly. Data is in 2 different influxdb (2. I’ve created a pie chart from three Elasticsearch queries but I don’t see how I can label them correctly in the legend. in this case the someText is the For additional functions to display or format data, refer to: Annotation and label template functions; Template language functions; Label example. Dashboard templates. In Grafana 7, Prometheus metrics can be transformed from time series format to table format using the Transform module, so that you can sort the metrics by any label or Oct 15, 2021 · Hello everyone! I have a dashboard and all the panels are histogram type with legend 90 percentile, 95 percentile and 99 percentile. panel, Sep 30, 2016 · I entered your example (cut/paste) into "Legend Format" but that results in legends of: AliasSub(\. A panel’s Query tab consists of the following elements: Data source selector: Selects the data source to query. Will be good to have small input to type keywords for quick filter-out the whole list by containing it. In the "Axes" tab, expand the "Legend" section. Jun 3, 2022 · For example - a query from Prometheus can return with labels/properties. pad fills with the last know value; backfill with next known value; fillna to fill empty sample windows with NaNs; Write an expression. Here's how you can do it: Go to the Panel settings of the graph panel you want to format legend names for. Jun 15, 2022 · Sorry I realise there are 2 pieces of “time” information. If your data source supports them, then Grafana displays the Expression button and shows any existing expressions in the query Jul 8, 2021 · reading the docs here on formatting the legend in grafana from prometheus source. When I add a second query to the panel, one item is added to the legend as queryB. Get your metrics into Prometheus quickly Oct 15, 2024 · Hi, Can anyone help if conditional legends are supported in Grafana any how? My requirement is if I select “All” from the filter legends should display pod names in legends for user to understand graph from each pod. The names in the legend are awful - “measure_value::double”. Searching the forum gives me Relabeling the legend in Grafana and Rename by regexp and thought the regexp one might fit me because these label are dynamic changing and overwrite needs to be done for every legend manually I guess. Introduction to exemplars. Width: Control how wide the legend is when placed on the right side of the visualization. Format. Mar 29, 2024 · I am concatenating a special character to the front of a field-value to trigger whether I need that field to be highlighted (color change). com:9100,’’) It appears that Grafana is interpreting this as a literal string, and not performing any actions on the AliasSub function. 1 hour, right? Dec 17, 2017 · I can’t change JSON format for responce - for example add another variables. If no other options are available other than label value substitution, how could I accomplish this? Not all of my interfaces have Mar 3, 2021 · Hi, Are there any sample dashboards or queries that would show how to create most common types of graphs (e. g. Dollar Sign ( $ ): Matches the end of a string. It is located under query you want to configure: collapsible menu with name "Options". If I can, please let me know how! Thank you! Jan 27, 2023 · Hello, I have some measurements in InfluxDB that I am trying to graph with Grafana. I’m running 2 queries with the ‘mixed’ datasource hitting 2 influxdb with identical flux queries. Current: Instead of {instance=. A graph or time series panel showing the amount of MAC of a network device, with the min, max and current, but with a query transformation with “add field from calculation” which allows me to perform the summary with the calculation “Total” and “Replace all fields”. Bottom places the legend below the graph. The legend should be: {{directory}} and then using a Transform-->Rename-by-Regex write a regex to match and replace the original name to just the part you want. Example 1: Format temperature. SQL query editor. I want to have all inside the {} from prometheus to show with some text appended eg the name of the counter so instead of speifying the parameters {{method}} - {{status}} I want to have all inside the curly brackets followed by some text {<all inside the curly brackets>} someText. Since my query is using an aggregation, there is nothing contained in the “__name __” label, therefore I am entering my Apr 24, 2018 · Hi, I’m fetching data from application insight and the legend can be kinda ugly from fetching from it. You can customize legends by navigating to the Legend section in panel options. 7. Dec 11, 2024 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Linux 10. target description). Click on the node and select “Show in Graph layout” option to switch back to graph layout and focus on the selected node, to show it in context of the full graph. I guess that’s where the confusion is from? Y axis: it measures the “time” duration of the 3 columns “duration_{1,2,3}”. web\. This does not happen when i explicitly choose the dimension (exactly May 27, 2024 · Hello good afternoon, I am new to Grafana and I am trying to do the following. Jan 8, 2022 · Welcome to the forum. Jan 27, 2021 · Is it possible to add quick filter for Legend values in chart widget? Some charts have very long list of Legend values, and it is too hard to find needed ones. An exemplar is a specific trace representative of measurement taken in a given time interval. I think that it’s somehow a bug in Grafana since in the Explore mode, I am able to recreate the graph and when I put anything in ALIAS, the legend is updated accordingly. How do i put this in legend format? i should display only OS names. Get your metrics into Prometheus quickly List - Displays the legend as a list. The following result set is a data frame that consists of two fields: time and temperature. When you create an expression that is dep May 18, 2017 · Im trying to see if there is any way I can use a RegExp in a Legend format, Its actually related to a redistribution instance in test where we are assigning a db from the REDIS to each test env, so we get DB1, DB2 and so on Those are actually related to env names, so I want legend o display for example stagingEnv if the db is DB1 , UATEnv if DB2 and so on Doesn’t look like its possible but Upsample - The method to use to fill a window sample that has no data points. I also don't see where I specify that I want to perform this action against the instance tag Sep 8, 2024 · Now, these dm-X devices have more meaningful names like (dm0 → snapshot, dm-1 → data, dm2 → temp), would it be possible to rename the graph fields mapping using regex matching or some other means so for every legend that contains “dm-0” it gets automatically translated to “snapshot”? Current Legend: Dec 3, 2024 · How to format legend names in Grafana using regex? To format legend names in Grafana using regex, you can use the "Pattern" field found in the Legend settings of a graph panel. The problem is that the graph in some Examples of templating labels and annotations in Grafana alert rules Community resources. This setting supports the $__interval and $__rate_interval macros. Grafana supports the SQL query language in InfluxDB v3. Choose Bottom or Right. Does anybody knows if it's possible to define custom legend values in Grafana?. I am wondering if there is a way to only show the labels that do exist. yyy. My current attempt: Feb 27, 2020 · Hello, I’m using a postgresql database. How do I use the legend format to only show the value of the column and not the whole source? It should only show Apple, Samsung, Sony etc. For more information about data sources, refer to Data sources. I'm not sure about sort. Additionally you can also access the log line using the __line__ function and the timestamp using the __timestamp__ function. To sort the nodes, click on the stats inside the legend. Example Variable set up in Grafana: Mar 1, 2023 · Grafana v9. For example {{hostname}} will be replaced with label value for the label hostname. Also displays all overlapping labels if a series has multiple labels. 0. } I would instead cURL examples. This is working perfectly and giving a time series like this: I want the legend to only show the TRANSID, in other words I want to strip off the "Billed MIPS (sum) from each entry in the legend Oct 27, 2020 · It seems like it this is really a display formatting issue and would be better handled in the legend format string, something like: {{instance|reReplaceAll('\. Mode. Legend Values Additional values can be shown along-side the legend names: Total - Sum of all values returned from metric query Current - Last value returned from the metric query Min - Minimum of all values returned from metric query Max - Maximum of all Examples. xxx. Table displays the legend as a table. In this step we create a Grafana-managed alert rule. Right now, both stats on the nodes are showing 2 decimal places, and no units By clicking Show Query Preview in the query editor, you can see what period Grafana used. To import a Grafana dashboard into SigNoz: From the sidebar, select Dashboards. It helps users identify and differentiate between different data points or series on a visualization. You can select a specific label/property by setting {{label}} in the legend field. All dashboards I’ve seen are still using InfluxDB 1. Read more about why we recommend migrating to Grafana Alloy. But If I choose any single pod, pod name is not required as it is self explanatory that the data which is showing on the Graph is for selected pod. Navigate the Query tab. So if I try to add some text behind, it stops being rendered: Community resources. Top rename a legend field in a panel you can add a Transform to the Panel: Rename by Regex. Configuring this query with custom legend: gives this result: The problems are: This availability and syntax of this limited templating language in legends is not documented AFAICS. legend. Get your metrics into Prometheus quickly Examples Get started with k6 Single request HTTP Authentication OAuth Authentication Correlation and Dynamic Data Data Parameterization Parse HTML HTML Forms Cookies Example Data Uploads API CRUD Operations Generating UUIDs HTTP2 WebSockets SOAP Transport Layer Security (TLS) Generating realistic data Crawl a web page Bundling and transpiling Functional testing Track transmitted data per URL Oct 21, 2024 · Min max avg current displayed in table panel (legend) InfluxDB. I have a time series chart that is displaying two queries from AWS Timestream. Choose the Import Grafana JSON option, where you can either: Upload a JSON file. Get your metrics into Prometheus quickly Community resources. ). List - Displays the legend as a list. For more information, refer to the Go template documentation. Here is an example on the play site: Grafana. Jun 7, 2023 · You can configure text used as legend for query result with query legend configuration. Jul 10, 2021 · hi, I am importing some data from Prometheus. A nested set model ensures each item of a flame graph is encoded by its nesting level as an integer value, its metadata, and by its order in the data frame. 3 Elasticsearch 5. I am running a query against a specific interface name but when the query returns to the graph it only returns “Interface 0” or “interface 1” instead of the actual interface name such as “GigabitEthernet1”… When looking through legend values i do not get the option that would change this data format either. While metrics excel at giving you an aggregated view of your system, traces give you a fine grained view of a single request; exemplars are a way to link the two. So, I want something like in Excel that if I click on 90 percentile, all the panels will show the 90 percentile graph and so on… I am not sure if I can do it in Grafana. Shows overall cluster CPU / Memory / Filesystem usage as well as individual pod, containers, systemd services statistics. One query for each piece of data. In the "Pattern" field, enter a regular expression that matches the part of the series name you want to keep or format. . You construct your SQL query directly in the query editor. I’m looking for some examples on how to properly create legend labels and aggregate data for most common/basic use cases (e. loligo\. How to change the name of each series to “Resin A” and “Resin B”? Configure options for Grafana's flame graph visualization. You may try Prometheus sort/sort_desc function to sort query result. Switch between the following format options: Time series - The default Jun 7, 2023 · You can configure text used as legend for query result with query legend configuration. I have a few labels that i want to use in the legend format. Choose from: List; Table; When you format a legend as a table, other information about the legend, such as associated values or where it’s located in the visualization, might be displayed as well. Feb 22, 2023 · I am trying to change the names in a panel's legend in Grafana. go" | logfmt | duration > 10s and throughput_mb < 500 which will filter out log that contains the word metrics. The marker next to the stat name shows which stat is currently used for sorting and sorting direction. Time Series Jan 6, 2025 · Remove legend column alias name from legend time series graph in grafana 8. 5. Jun 4, 2018 · Create a graph in grafana, and set its 'Legend format' to custom label, and for some recode, variable {{code}} {{subcode}} doesn't exist, and will display its literal value just as code and subcode What was the expected result? Jul 31, 2024 · Introduction: Pie charts are a popular and effective way to visualize data, offering a clear and concise representation of the proportional distribution of categories within a dataset. play. List displays the legend as a list. Choose where to display the legend. Set the format in which the legend is displayed. (Graph -> Legend -> Options -> Show) But how I can change this, not to show the name of the measurement, instead to show the specific tag value, that is part of each SQL Metric ? Example: Metric A : SELECT “value” FROM “4weeks”. For details, refer to Data sources. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more. Placement: Select where to display the legend. Supported data formats. These are phone calls and should be labeled something along the lines of ‘incoming’, ‘outgoing’ and ‘internal’. There is a common theme for example https://abc. Something like {{hostname}} {{ifAlias|ifDescr|ifName}} with preference on the left. 2. Legend format can let us use variable such as {{foo}} and display its value bar for example, Is it possible to set a default value when variable {{foo}} is not available? May 6, 2021 · In the grafana i have defined the follwoing in the legend format : {{source_name}}–>{{destination_name}} In the graph result, i’m getting both records - My goal is to remove the record where destination_name or source_name ="" (Like i have in the second record) Please advice This option controls whether or not the tooltip includes the color scale that’s also represented in the legend. From there you can select either of three variants of legend: Auto - Displays unique labels. In order to do that I want to use the information collected by a variable called 'product' that I set up (using a MySQL datasource) in Grafana where I associate labels to the productIds in order to use them in some other panels. I can change metrics’ name in legend by setting Alias in Metrics tab but this one in common for all metrics. I have one query with two metrics used shown on single Graph panel. go, then parses each log line to extract more labels and filter with them. These examples showcase how the platform can handle complex data visualizations and analytics, serving as an inspiration Jun 28, 2022 · The only host is ecap-s010 and the columns are namend serverrack1 …serverrack15, that’s basically it. Community resources. 4. For example, you might create a new annotation named location to report the location of the system that triggered the alert. Problem: once the color has been determined, I want to remove the special character. I then use value mapping, to look for that character and set the color accordingly. With Grafana 6. Prometheus exporters. My setup (but not the problem) looks very similar to Create worldmap or Geomap with Loki Geoip The most visible difference to the setupi in this question I see is, that my log data is not in json, but in syslog format and that my query hence doesn’t use “|json”. *$','')}} Better yet would be to be able to define this as a common expression in the dashboard config and then just use host as if it was a label without having to put this on every Oct 28, 2020 · See this example on grafana. When the color scale is included in the tooltip, it shows the hovered value on the scale: Legend options. Right now, everything appears as “count” in the legend. Aug 28, 2024 · We’ve added legend support to bar gauge visualizations. Are “aliasByNode”, “Legend format”, “Alias By” datasource specific functions? In other words, these values returns with responce or they stored in Grafana for every request and applied for every time series response? Sep 4, 2019 · Then you can tweak the display of said time series in Grafana (e. Legend names are customizable and can be set to reflect the name of the metric or data series being displayed. by setting line=0, fill=0) so it will not show up on the graph itself, only in the legend. Set where on the visualization a Configure a legend for your panel visualization. image 1068×122 7. The most basic alert rule consists of two parts: Dec 10, 2019 · => configure Legend format in the Queries section and add {{namespace}} there. Any Grafana Alloy is the new name for our distribution of the OTel collector. I’m a beta, not like one of those pretty fighting fish, but like an early test version. Label. like ubuntu20_04 instead of ubuntu20_04_custom_exporter. Kitchen, Bedroom, etc). The following should work to reduce the directory path to just the word after the last / Mar 2, 2019 · Now I want the Legend format to be the name of the product. Click the New Dashboard button. memory usage, cpu, etc. Placement. This makes it harder to read the column name(i. I would suggest you not mess with the Flux value tag and just use an Override in Grafana. 25-30 ESPs running Tasmota) sending different measurements to MQTT - Influx - Grafana; works real nice. 3. When I choose all dimensions(*), the legend is not updated with the appropriate metric name. L1 → L1 ( see picture) Please look at the attached picture and advice me what I am doing wrong. Instead i just have the dimension name. x) instances. You can also create your custom annotations. So, something like if Jan 29, 2018 · Hi, Grafana 4. request duration or some job’s execution time) and you’d like to have the legend in hh:ss format instead of 2. The Business Charts Plugin provides a robust and user-friendly toolset for creating visually appealing and informative pie charts, making it easier for businesses to interpret and communicate their data insights The query is composed of: a log stream selector {container="query-frontend",namespace="loki-dev"} which targets the query-frontend container in the loki-dev namespace. e. I get 2 fields output, Download and Upload. Grafana Agent will reach an End-of-Life (EOL) on November 1, 2025. Apr 14, 2022 · This HAS to be a simple question but I cannot find the answer. 5: 2664: May 1, 2024 Formatting legend format. Feb 24, 2022 · In case it helps, here is a sample DataFrame JSON from my Snowflake data source, B is the value that shows in the legends for all the 3 series, series-foo, series-bar and series-baz are the actual names one would expect in the legend: Oct 8, 2021 · I’m new to Grafana so I just installed it yesterday. 10 What are you trying to achieve? I am grouping my data by date and transid, then calculating total MIPS for each group. I am not sure if and what implications that may have for the data returned Community resources. This option is only displayed if you set the legend placement Grafana includes several optional annotations, such as description, summary, runbook_url, dashboardUId and panelId, which can be edited in the alert rule. 0 and higher. First of all, nice setup! (MQTT + Telegraf + Influx2 + Grafana) What you want is certainly possible (I had / have the same issue with Flux, where I get crazy long legend names). 1 (88622d7f09) and the Node Graph Panel, with a mysql datasource, I want to set the units to seconds (so that it will automatically show days or weeks when appropriate, like some other panels do) for the mainStat and decrease the number of decimal places shown and otherwise do field overrides. Dec 8, 2020 · How do I modify what is displayed in the legend. image 2872×1720 401 KB. An example legend value is Host: server1. “BASIC_STATS” WHERE “cluster” = 'Cluster-1 Oct 19, 2020 · Hi, I have a panel, which is using a variable as datasource. 4, OS: Debian Bullseye We have a bunch of sensors (e. Any Jan 8, 2022 · Welcome to the forum. Right places the legend to the right of the graph. 43 KB. Placement: Choose where to display the legend. The most basic example for a dashboard for which there is no authentication. Right - To the right Dec 16, 2015 · Googling for "grafana custom legend formatting" isn't turning up anything useful. According to this Issue, Grafana supports sorting by value when displaying legend. Dashboards. ; a log pipeline |= "metrics. Specifically where I currently have {{hostname}} {{ifName}} I would like it to show hostname and (ifAlias or ifDescr or ifName) in that order. Im using Grafana with Prometheus Datasource. 6. 1: In this example, we cant differentiate between the time series Dec 3, 2024 · Go to the Panel settings of the graph panel you want to format legend names for. Table - Displays the legend as a table. Nov 21, 2023 · Hi, I am trying to make a geomap panel in grafana. The label field allows you to override the default name of the metric legend using CloudWatch dynamic labels. This shows up on the graph with 2 Nov 6, 2021 · Using Grafana v8. Get your metrics into Prometheus quickly Jul 29, 2021 · These specific Grafana examples were carefully selected based on various factors. The service exporting the metrics looks like: qbit_dl_bytes 2788376164837 qbit_dl_rate_bytes 0 qbit_ul_bytes 60386210507433 qbit_ul_rate_bytes 3725915 up 1 I am able to write queries to graph exactly what I want, however I wish to change the legend to some custom text, not related to the labels. "description": "Monitors Kubernetes cluster using Prometheus. zzz, I just would like for abc to show on the legend. I also want the legend of the histogram to display a certain string for each query. Macros Nov 17, 2024 · What is a legend name in Grafana? A legend name in Grafana is a label that appears next to a data series or metric on a graph. From the documentation, there are a few possible functions:. Firstly, some of these dashboards were chosen for their technical excellence, demonstrating the powerful capabilities of the Grafana platform. x. 1: 1449: November 30, 2021 Community resources. To render a flame graph, you must format the data frame data using a nested set model. Can you please help me? Jan 31, 2019 · I have 2 prometheus labels that I would like to show in my grafana legend, but depending on the values selected in the grafana templating variables 1 of the prometheus labels will or will not exist. It’s time series bandwidth, uploads and downloads. See an example with the following: Here {{label_name}} actually equals to empty string, thus it falls back to the Auto legend,. This repository contains an example infrastructure for deploying and provisioning Grafana - annea-ai/grafana-infrastructure For example, entering the value Host: [[tag_hostname]] in the ALIAS BY field replaces it with the hostname tag value for each legend value. May 5, 2022 · Hey everybody. SELECT now() as time, 'string' AS metric, value_column as value FROM table WHERE id Oct 21, 2024 · Just to be sure - you have a time series panel displaying some kind of duration (e. Aug 8, 2023 · I’m struggling to find a transformation to get the data I need. Apr 30, 2019 · You can use alias patterns to format the legend keys: InfluxDB data source | Grafana documentation. 4, I still get the issues mentioned earlier. Apr 13, 2023 · What is the syntax for Legend options. yetanotherstring I'd like to just keep the name somethirdstring. The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Bottom - Below the graph. I have found an override but it overrides both with the same name. Basically my pane's legend names are in the form of: somestring_someotherstring_somethirdstring. In the legend in the moment the ID of the devices is displayed: My end users would like to see a more human readable description like “machine x/hall y” instead of “DF6B09”. Thanks in advance to who ever can help. This page provides examples of calls to the Grafana API using cURL. eg Jul 25, 2023 · In this example I’ve imported four csv files to a panel and by default, the legend simply says ‘value’, see figure 1: Fig. Grafana will then use the regular Feb 7, 2022 · I want to remove _custom_exporter from all the metrics being present on the Grafana dashboard. Feb 8, 2022 · Grafana version: 8. memory/cpu usage per docker container on a single graph, labeled by Jul 29, 2021 · Hi All searches didn’t help in my case to get rid of table name in graph legend eg: mail_power. Of course I could to the lookup Nov 21, 2024 · Grafana’s new alerting platform debuted with Grafana 8. Labels determine how alerts are routed and managed, ensuring that notifications reach the right teams at the right time. Exemplars Grafana Alloy is the new name for our distribution of the OTel collector. By default, the legend is disabled. A year later, with Grafana 9, it became the default alerting method. There is a Tag called “friendly_name”, which is in the format: friendly_name = RHT Sensor (***) where *** can vary (i. Related topics How to filter records as part of the legend format that do not have value. Jun 24, 2022 · It's not possible currently to provide a custom formatting of the legend when having a dynamic list of labels in the query result. Oct 16, 2020 · According to this Issue, Grafana displays the query results from Prometheus without sorting. In the "Show" dropdown menu, select "As series name". A sample query is below. I have a long url currently showing for the legend and would like just part of it to show. Yet, all fields Jan 1, 2025 · All relevant metadata and formatting information, such as Y-axis and legend formatting, is preserved during the import process. tlcz myiz foabeef wcg pulnygd nfbq jiy nqjm xchq uoehg