Jql date functions You must be a registered user to Hi @IT Admin, you can use the JQL function now(). Searches for issues with attachments of a particular file extension. The date is converted to the user’s timezone, before the date is extracted: issueFunction in dateCompare("project = DEMO", "customfield_10500. Search for a matching Organization for the current user or a specific user. For any other JPA implementation, or if you want to keep it JPQL compliant, you can workaround with SUBSTRING: SUBSTRING(d. Since version 5. Is there a way to dynamically enter the date range, so I don't have to manually change the dates all the time? Your JQL could use the startOfMonth() and endOfMonth() functions, with the modifiers to subtract one month: Please look here to learn more about those functions Hi All! I need some assistance with new measure I want to calculate the time (hours) between moving to "To Do" date and resolution date I created custom filed that save the time the ticket moved to to do and i added him to the imported data But for some reason when i enter the "Datediffhours" Example 3. 5. @Martha - Glad you're getting close!Due Date is a date field (no time component), so checking for equality (e. startOfQuarter() Perform searches based on the start of the current quarter of year. g. Follow answered Apr 7, 2019 at 8:51. i. e. My thoughts are to create a JQL function to wrap a date for use by AFTER. 109k 31 31 gold badges 206 206 silver badges 270 270 bronze badges. lastLoginOf(user) Function to compare dates with last login time of a specific user. The only problem with this is that Now() is time specific so there is no way of Took greater than or equal to 180 days to end, with that value being calculated by comparing the custom fields "Project Closure Date" and "Project Start Date". More about avanced search functions can This alias can be used with the JQL relative date functions and also the numeric comparison operators. I was able to make the above smart values work by adding the function to the variable when used in the diff: An operator in JQL is one or more symbols or words that compare the value of a field on its left with one or more values or functions on its right. A function in JQL, which stands for Jira Query Language (not to be confused with Java Query Language), appears as a word followed by parentheses, which may JPQL does not support date() and so your query fails. This is useful for converting the default output for dates (jiraDateTime), to a format that is easier to read. This function allows you to return issues based on a comment query. A function in JQL appears as a word followed by parentheses, which may contain one or more explicit values or Jira system fields. project = ABC and status was in (Investigation, "Development Required", "Awaiting GA Release") on startOfMonth() JQL Functions. Search by issue assignee, creator, reporter that is in a specific project, and Project Role. Date and time expressions may appear in JPQL queries: as date and time literals - e. The easier option of this would be to filter out issues that may be nearing the due date, save the filter and subscribe it so that you will get a mail with all the issues nearing the due date. Since: v4. Hot Network Questions Front derailleur clamp screw sheared - removal In JQL Tricks, parent and subtask JQL functions work with parent/child (subtask) link type. For a datetime field, though, it needs to be expanded a bit like this: maintenance >= startOfWeek(3d) and maintenance < startofWeek(4d). It is not really intended to be useful, just a guide. Please go to to the new documentation page to see the newest JQL aliases and functions: 👉 JQL Functions Reference 👈 This would allow you to use standard JQL date comparisons. 3. 1 JQL Date/Time Functions I'm looking for a JQL that gives all Sub-tasks of parent User Stories that have a specific status in our workflow (New, In Refinement, Ready for Poker, Ready for Sprint). I want a filter that returns the issue with the earliest date from field 1. A function in JQL appears as a word followed by parentheses, which may contain one or more explicit It will help if you’re new to JQL syntax or want to speed up the process of filtering. Call: 0208 144 4211 (UK) Call: (617) 939-9026 (USA) hello@testmanagement. It would be used as in: fixVersion in versionsStarted(). project = SO AND This page provides you with the most commonly used Oracle date functions that help you handle date and time data easily and more effectively. To disable a module proceed testSetTests: P1 - Test Set Issue Key/Filter of Test Sets: Returns a list of Test issues associated with the input Test Set issue key. You can add a dateformat to the end of any of the date smart values listed on this page. I can't seem to find a solution for my query in jira. com How do date and time formats work in the issue view? View the different types of activity on an issue; Use the issue view in team-managed service projects. How can I do it using JQL? Thanks. trnDatetime as LocalDate) as date , count(ivd. 10) Usage/Examples: issue in hasLinks() - Returns all the issues with atleast one link (inward or outward) issue in hasLinks (1) - Returns all the issues with exactly one link (inward 1st Floor, Barclays House, Gatehouse Way, Aylesbury. format Before you start to create your own JQL functions check out the JQL Support (Server). JQL extensions allow you to search for issues depending on whether or not they currently have a timer running, or depending on their accumulated hours. Use this JQL function to filter via epic links. This is mostly for tracking and dashboard purposes. Search for issues according to the start/end of Quarters. Watch. Instead of the date input of "YYYY/MM/DD" or "YYYY-MM-DD" but instead just MM/DD or MM-DD. End_Date"(I know those are not the specific names of the fields, but you get the idea)what would really be useful is something like this . Learn more about the native date function in the tables below. I have created a JQL Function plugin like issue in dateComparison("RESOLVEDDATE",">","DUEDATE"), but this query is taking more time to get executed, it still takes time and return No issue found. to pull the values of the fields from all the issues and display the result in a table or csv? You cannot directly use math functions within the date comparison expression; you can't subtract one date from another Importance of Date Functions in JQL. ; Click Add Function. 3. Very useful if your JQL is being used in a filter or the search criteria behind a dashboard gadget. 0 (Support for query is added in 5. Unlike most of ScriptRunner features, these included functions are available to all users on an instance, not just administrators. Change to use the native SQL by setting nativeQuery=true in @Query; If you are using Hibernate , use the HQL specific cast() that cast trnDatetime to LocalDate:; select cast(ivd. startOfYear(-1) means start of the last year). TOJUL=Yaa – converts to a Julian date without a separator (for example, P’2009007′). 0 Smart Checklist for Jira Server and Data Center provides the possibility to examine a more precise JQL search, like search by status or by I wanted to get the date of the beginning of the week given a day so for 7/22/2016 today, I wanted to grab sunday or 7/17/2016. Group JQL Functions. You can use the startOfMonth() function to do that. Global accounts, are accounts that are not related to specific projects and can be associated with any issue in Use case: 1. This limitation The instructions on this page may be out of date and this page is kept in place only as a historical reference. An aggregate function call contains an expression in curly braces ("{}"), which is calculated for the item and all sub-items (or, in The comparison operators available in this function are <, >, <=, >=, =. Keywords. Version history implement custom jpa function for date modifications; parametrize query; personally i would go with query parametrization as it is easier to test and maintain in the long-run. 1 Usage/Examples: created > lastLoginOf("test") - Returns all issues that were created after user "test" last logged in! This page describes information about functions that are used for advanced searching. Switch to Advanced Search and use the approaches described below. assignee = currentUser() AND lastCommentedDate < startOfMonth() status = 'In Progress' AND lastCommentedDate = '2016-10-14' This keyword can be used with the JQL relative date functions and also the numeric comparison operators. Select an Approval JQL Function from the IssueType Id (optional), Start Date (optional), End Date how can I create a jql filter with time range between two dates . If you need to find the issues updated by a particular user, try updatedBy() function. See the syntax for this here. The use of the "!=" operator when using the dateCompare function is only supported on ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud. Leads from any components in any project is returned if not arguments are passed and leads from components in a given project is passed when a project Key is specified as argument. As per ScriptRunner documentation, you use the dateCompare() Hi, I could use some help with this one. 2. If so, please take a look at the date time functions for smart values, and the documentation on the format() function: https: The comparison operators available in this function are <, >, <=, >=, =. A function performs a calculation on either specific Jira data or the function's content in parentheses, such that only true results Use time range and get comfortable with JQL Functions to dynamically adjust the weekly issues. I am in charge of uploading invoices as attachments to tickets in our finance project. However, you can achieve the same result by using "=" and negating the JQL clause itself in ScriptRunner for Jira Server/DC. This page describes information about functions that are used for advanced searching. To date with time conversion. Downvoted until more context is given because this query doesn't work in my current Jira setup. In various scenarios However, the language setting affects the output of date functions. I wish to only show cards created between today and -14 days from today. date AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')) function when using JPA and Hibernate 0 spring jpa criteria - trunc and to_date on the where clause The comparison operators available in this function are <, >, <=, >=, =. [dateformat]}} Takes a date and time that you provide, and returns it in a format of your choosing. clearTime() = duedate. If any user is provided, it will return the time at which the current user last session began, that is the same time returned by currentLogin() native JQL function. Has anybody done a query similar before. The lastCommentedDate alias can be used to search for issues based on the date of most recent comment. Templates You can then use this field in your JQL to compare if that exceeds your due date. Numerous JQL functions: Search for matching Groups for the current user or a specific user. Status = Schedule AND "Planned Start" = now() This because Jira returns the the exact millisecond for now() which normally will be a larger number than the JQL Functions This page describes functions used for advanced searching within Jira. sql. Also, you can find some hints for data entry fields. commentedOnDate(date, [User], [Action]) Function To find all issues on which a comment was added on a specified Date. Message: Field name: 'Period End' not found or not a date or datetime. Search Performance. duedate = startOfWeek(3d)) works. Link issues, pages, and app content from the issue view Assets supports a specific JQL function called aqlFunction, which allows you to query issues containing an Assets object custom The offset parameter in the startOfYear/endOfYear functions is the offset of whole years (e. Similary for all the issues upto now in your JIRA instance if you want to display the transition date then just add the "Scripted field" from the "Script runner" add=on. Find all issues with Put your =JIRA. The Add ScriptRunner JQL Function dialog appears. Examples. ; Example Hello! I have two field dates, resolved and due. In JQL, a query has four basic elements: Field The comparison operators available in this function are <, >, <=, >=, =. You can use the worklogAuthor and worklogDate fields with JQL date/time functions to return issues that have been worked on during a time period. Using functions. You can also use some additional operators for the Date Function. The format supported is 'yyyy/MM/dd'. date, '%Y, %m, %d') where function is a way to invoke any native SQL function. The table below describes the keywords supported along with their Smart Checklist supports JQL as an approach for searching checklist values and checklist progress. Please go to to the new documentation page to see the newest JQL aliases and functions: 👉 JQL Functions Reference 👈 JQL for date range . Your comment query can include a date query, username, roles, as well as comment types such as internal. Note that these won’t Date JQL Functions. ScriptRunner provides a large number of out-of-the-box JQL functions. The following functions can be used to convert a date to a date with a time component: JPQL supports following datetime expressions: CURRENT_DATE Returns current date as java. LinkedIn; Twitter; Email; Copy Link; 4358 views. Learn how to use JQL date functions to filter your Jira issues by date created, due date, modified date, and more. Also, you need to specify an object that you want to limit to these months (e. Read more about advanced search reference - JQL fields. Use complex date, estimate, or numeric expression to compare attributes of fields. America/Los_Angeles. A function in JQL appears as a word followed by parentheses, which may contain one or more explicit values or Jira fields. You might want to search for "issues in Epic" link type, i. issues created or JQL Functions. I want another filter to return issue with latest date from field 2. Follow answered Sep 30, 2009 at 21:41. For Version 5. End_Date <= Y) This function compares the given date or duration string with the target date of SLAs and finds issues if at least one SLA satisfies the comparison. Agile Functions. For example, using the ‘commented’ JQL function in ScriptRunner you can search for issues with only internally visible comments. To learn how Administrators can add new user properties, please check 'Add a property to a user' section at this Atlassian Jira Date and Time in JPQL and Criteria Queries. Operators. 1 Find Issues by User and Timeframe 1. 3 answers 2 accepted 1 vote . ISSUE, TARGET) where the target param corresponds to the HTML anchor "<a>" element target and supports the same values: '_top' (default), '_blank', '_self', etc. Workaround. So, you'll want to replace each startOfWeek() check with a pair like that. JQL does not let you compare two date fields, but ScriptRunner add-on does. hasSameValues. E. For example if you wanted to get a list of User Stories and what state they were in on a given day, you've have to write a script which would dump the change history for each story, and try to derive what was the last change closest to that date and what the state was at that point in time. date or date expression, or date function eg startOfDay(), lastLogin() on - attached on date: Using standard JQL functions as an argument type is supported. Notice the time is stored and compared in milliseconds hence using a JQL like the one below will normally give zero results. ; as results of predefined JPQL current date and In order to get it to produce the expected result, you have to add the ". Is there a way I could filter an issue within a specific time but also it has an interval date? Something like this: Night Tickets. If you want to use both plugins you need to disable the clashing JQL function module for one of the plugins. This JQL function returns issues that have a fix or affects version where the version is not released, but the start date, if present, is in the past. If you hover over the relative date/time display it will show you the absolute date/time. There are a few more that'll come in handy: As Thomas as mentioned about using post-functions for populating date fields. Agile Functions Hey @Phill Fox !. 0. Return Type: ISSUE. toDate" function to the variable where it's being used as a date; the function is lost if you try to make it part of the variable. The syntax looks like this: <keyword> <operator> <value/function>. You want to find all issues where the completion date is greater than the due date. MySQL comes with the following data types for storing a date or a date/time value in the database:. 7am UTC will get converted to 7am Sydney time. Answer. ; as parameters - when date and time values are assigned as arguments. between dates columns in JPQL. However, the function’s business logic is executed within the app codebase. You can use JQL functions in the Basic view of the issue navigator. We previously used issueFunction in dateCompare in the old JIRA, but I dont think these functions are available on Request a new function | Book a demo. attachedByUser. You can build queries with the aid of a visual composer. epicsOf(subquery) The epicsOf function returns epics associated with the issues found by the subquery This JQL function returns issues that have a fix or affects version where the version is not released, but the start date, if present, is in the past. 1,562 16 16 . TOJUL=Yaa(s) – converts to a Julian date with a separator (for example, C’325-2008′). For example, if you want to find all resolved issues in the 'SysAdmin' project, as well as all issues (any status, any project) currently assigned to the system administrator (bobsmith), you can use parentheses to enforce the precedence of Date JQL Functions. Instead there is only a release date and the order of the versions are maintained by a sequence (schedule). Function Syntax Return value Return data type Determinism; ISDATE: ISDATE ( expression) Determines whether a datetime or smalldatetime input expression has a valid date or time value. int: SQL Date Data Types. Let us see each of the date functions one by one in detail with the help of examples. For your case, you can use the function "linkedIssues()", as mentioned in this document: Examples: attachedOnDate >= "2024/01/01" AND attachedOnDate <= "2024/01/31" finds issues with attachments added during January 2024. 1 Use Date Filters. attachedOnDate >= startOfMonth() finds issues with attachments added since the beginning of the current month. This function returns the the version which is due and the first in schedule for a project. slaFunction <= slaTargetDate("2019-07-01") slaFunction < slaTargetDate("-5d") JQL extensions allow you to search for issues depending on whether or not they currently have a timer running, or depending on their accumulated hours. hasAttachments. DATE - format YYYY-MM-DD; DATETIME - format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS; TIMESTAMP - format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS; YEAR - format YYYY or YY; SQL Server comes with the following data types for storing a date or a date/time value in the ScriptRunner Enhanced Search features several advanced ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL functions not available as default in Jira, which are documented within this section. If you're using Hibernate, it has built in functions for retrieving date parts, such as YEAR(date), MONTH(date), DAY(date), HOUR(date), MINUTE(date) and SECOND(date). Versions that are due are determined by the release date on the version. ; CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Returns current datetime as java. " – Simon. ; as path expressions - in navigation to persistent date and time fields. With these powerful functions, you can quickly and easily find the information With this Atlassian JQL cheat sheet, you'll be well-equipped to navigate advanced search with JQL and enhance your project management skills. These functions are supported by fields: Created, Due, Resolved, Updated, custom fields of type Date/Time. Glenn. Date. I'm trying to get all the stories closed during the current month without having to manually enter the date each time I run the filter. Enhanced Search uses the in and not in operators for all JQL functions. You have the following options :. Changes the timezone but maintains the same date/time. In addition you can add a date field to a duration and get a new date. Comparing Due Date with Resolved date using JQL Function plugin returns empty result? arunk February 12, 2018 . Katrina Atkinson December 9, 2022 . Commented Jan 24, 2022 at 9:18. . Inside Elasticsearch SQL the former is supported as is by passing the expression in Aggregate Functions. clearTime()") Epic Functions. I am thinking along the lines of created >= today(-14d) AND created <= today(). Alternatively, you could use a Jira automation rule or script to simplify and automate this if you need it regularly. (1) issue in Jira Data Center; JRASERVER-20359; Expand JQL to support date-oriented functions (Month, Day, Year) so there is more precision The comparison operators available in this function are <, >, <=, >=, =. Let's take a look at using date fields and operators with Jira's query language. Consider we have the student table with the following data: ID Name DateTime_Birth City; 1: Mansi Shah: 2010-01-01 18:39:09: Pune: 2: Tejal Wagh: 2010-03-04 05:13:19: Nasik: 3: function("date_format", s. Not applicable: Not applicable: Functions that validate date and time values. In a clause, a function is preceded by an operator, which in turn is preceded by a field. most examples seem to be more generic system info functions. With JQL Tricks you can try this (be careful about different quotation marks): issue in issuesWhereEpicIn('project in (MyProject) AND status = "In Progress"') @Isaias Salazar Torrealba Please refer below Atlassian documentation on Advanced Searching JQL functions available out of the box in JIRA Cloud. JQL date functions are powerful tools for writing correct, dynamic, context-aware queries. Results in message "Unable to find JQL function 'subtask(status != Done)'. lastCommentedDate. created >= startofMonth() and created <= endOfMonth() JQL Functions; Included JQL Functions; On my dev machine this function handles around 20k issues per second. Combine status filters with date functions to focus on recent activities: status = "Done" AND resolved >= startOfMonth() This query finds issues resolved in the current month. The comparison operators available in this function are <, >, <=, >=, =. An optional project Key or component ID can be passed as arguments. A quick Google search seems to indicated that a "JQL Tricks Plugin" (for cloud) exists, but no way to be sure. Can someone help in understanding t GO! JQL : Essential JQL Functions View app details. However, we do not want weekends and holidays include To exclude overdue issues I would normally use due >= "0" AND due <= 7d but I am not sure if the the "0" means start of the day or the moment the JQL is executed. {d '2011-12-31'}, {t '23:59:59'}. status CHANGED FROM "In Progress" TO "Done" AFTER "2022-01-01" Searching with updatedBy() function. Elements in a query . To access ScriptRunner JQL functions: Select the More drop-down option, then issueFunction. Automation Rule: Create an automation rule that extracts the date from the JSON and updates a separate date custom There are also functions that are frequently used when creating SLA queries, commonly used operators and certain characters and words that have been reserved in Jira to perform specific functions in the query. 1. Function Example Result Description; ADD_MONTHS: ADD_MONTHS( DATE '2016-02-29', 1 ) 31-MAR-16: Add a number of months (n) to a date and return the same day which is n of months away. has an explicit definition in a JQL query. But the issue was figuring out how to figure out what day of the week I'm at using python, and then counting back to grab the beginning of the week. "-1d", "-4d" etc. There are a few 'gotchas' to watch out for when using date values. Similar to standard lastLogin() JIRA function except that this function compares with last login of given user as opposed to the current user. This will show the date of the transition from older issues as well in the futre issues and this I'm trying to use a JQL solution to find all the work done by a single developer in the past week but I don't know exactly how it works. Note: Timezones must be supplied in the {area}/{city} format e. We suppose this might let you infer what will be released soon. es, we will be really glad to hear from you. User JQL Functions. commentedAfterDate. Not sure if this can be achieved with an add-on like scriptrunner though, since it allows you build custom jql functions(on the server version) You may also want to look at one of the repoerting addons that extend the default JQL provided by Jira. Sorry to make you the defacto "ignore weekends" expert, but you seem the most knowledgeable! I am trying, using the Jira Automation feature, to flag tickets (flag = Impediment) that get stuck in "In Progress" or "Peer Review" for 3+ days. For example, you can use the ORDER BY clause in a JQL query to search for issues and display them in an ascending or descending order. issueFunctionOf(sprint in closedSprints() and Sprint. TOGREG=Yaa – converts to a Gregorian date without separators (for example, Z’091121′). You can use all of the Date and User functions, for instance now(), startOfDay() The aggregate function is added to the JQL because in doing that, it will ensure other people who run the same query also see the summary value(s). I spot a mistake in my spreadsheet and I want to find all tickets I have added invoices Some Tempo content does not show when Kaspersky is being used (in some cases "invalid date" is seen in date picker so that users are not able to log work / log time) The last JQL function for accounts, is for the global accounts. sil. date AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')) function when using JPA and Hibernate. invoiceNo) as totInvoice from If any user is provided, it will return the time at which the current user last session began, that is the same time returned by currentLogin() native JQL function. On our Scrum Boards we are already using a filter query with IssueFunction in subtasksOf to show all stories of a specific team working in a specific project. Start_Date" or "Sprint. JQL - Clockwork for Jira - Documentation - Confluence Apps. alters the logic of one or more clauses. Start_Date >= X and Sprint. So, only valid results are retrieved by the clause. Scripted JQL Function: If you have ScriptRunner for Jira installed, you could create a custom scripted JQL function to parse the JSON and extract the date for comparison. How do I write this? So far I've got this but not sure if According to documentation here:. Common SQL Date Data Types. I would like to compare these to get the issues where resolved > due so that we can track which tickets that are closed are overdue tickets. McDowell McDowell. Solved: I'm trying to look for Status Changes in the month previous to the month we are in. Timestamp. A function performs a calculation on either specific Jira data or the function's content Issue Navigator Basic view. Use a board and calendar to visualise, schedule, and manage your work in the way that works best for you and your team The issue is that I have to amend the date range each month. Follow Date format {{[date]. See JQLT-70 for details. You can use keywords in AQL to return one or more objects based upon properties of those objects instead of the object's attributes. Since v3. This clearly means you lose database independence because that function is not valid on all datastores. commentedBeforeDate. To find all issues where the description contains a ABC0000 where 0000 is any number, you could use: issueFunction in issueFieldMatch("project = JRA", The instructions on this page may be out of date and this page is kept in place only as a historical reference. The board parameter in the three functions below may be either the board name or the board ID. ; CURRENT_TIME Returns current time as java. The following JQL functions are available for querying Xray issues in the Issue Search Page. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. There are multiple Date Functions by which you can reformat input dates. You can use parentheses in complex JQL statements to enforce the precedence of operators. JQL: issueFunction in dateCompare("", "'Period End' > 'Period Start'+1M ") Error: Scripted function "dateCompare" compilation failure. Yeah the Adaptivist query functions don't allow you to access the "Sprint. JQL: assignee = XXX AND status was "In Progress" DURING (startOfWeek(-1w), endOfWeek(-1w)) Thanks - ya I looked at the reference, didn't see what I was looking for. Watch app. using the "Epic Link" field. JQL has no built-in functions to calculate time spent in statuses. Find Issues by User and Timeframe. A function performs a calculation on either specific Jira data or the function's content in parentheses, such that only true results Enhanced Search uses the in and not in operators for all JQL functions. The lastCommentedDate keyword can be used to search for issues based on the date of most recent comment. Jira has a lot of date functions but I don't see anything similar to Year() so I could use fixVersion = Year() in my query. ; Start typing a search, or scroll through the on-screen options, and select the JQL function you require from the Date functions allow us to find dates without having to specify a hard coded date. Note: Formely this function works in the same way as issueHistory() native Jira JQL function, but also allows you to limit the result, so keep in mind that altough recentIssues() function returns issues ordered from the most recent viewed issues to older, due to a limitation of the JQL language you must order the results using the lastViewed Alternatively, you can use the text field to make small edits to a JQL created using the Insert Function feature, such as quickly changing the project name. issueFunction: This page provides information about Approval JQL Functions. Search by Assignee or Reporter Challenges with Native JQL. It’s equipped with a drop-down calendar for choosing dates. In project TOP you have an issue type Dev Task which has two date-picker fields, My Due Date and Completed On. hasLinks([count],[linkType],[query]) Function to find all issues that has links and optionally for a count, link type or matching a query. Note that the LINK() function builds an HTML anchor element (link) to open the issue on the Jira Issue Detail View. The LINK() function also admits optional parameters: LINK(JQL. The relative display occurs when the date/time is within 1 week (before or after) the current date/time. Please go to to the new documentation page to see the newest JQL aliases and functions: 👉 JQL Functions Reference 👈 Using Jira Issue Search, I have two custom date fields in my project. Contact administrator and check logs. Could you structure your spreadsheet in such a way that you could hide the introductory rows? JIRA doesn't allow a start Date and an end Date for versions. They enable you to query the relationships between Xray issue types. Example. Go to ScriptRunner > JQL Functions and verify if the function is present. The instructions on this page may be out of date and this page is kept in place only as a historical reference. Version JQL Functions. There are Hello, I need to find the number of bugs resolved in the past few sprints and tried the following query resolved >= sprintStartDateOf("Sprint Name", "Board Name") and resolved <= sprintEndDateOf("Sprint Name", "Board Name") But this query does not return any data. All standard aggregate functions and available modifiers are listed on this page. Just got this idea from your query, but I havent tried out this yet. you cannot query LDAP attributes using this custom JQL function. kaznovac kaznovac. To sum up, query works without TO_DATE function, with @DateTimeFormat annotation for Calendar parameter and @Temporal annotation for the fields with the dates in the entity. JQL Tricks DC - Issue Functions. If you want to have this for future issues, you can add a custom field to your project and fill this custom field with the current date in a workflow Therefore, it’s important to have a basic understanding of how custom JQL functions work in Jira. Mastering JQL allows you to gain key project insights and answer crucial The only date/time function I can find is Now() and searches relative to that, i. To see a field's supported operators, check the individual field reference. Almost all functions require a subquery as a first parameter. Thank you for all your help and sorry for this mistake. performs a specific function that alters the results of a JQL query. A common requirement when dealing with date/time in general revolves around the notion of interval, a topic that is worth exploring in the context of Elasticsearch and Elasticsearch SQL. AttachmentExtension . Like Be the first to like this . ToDate considers only those requirements executions before a specific date/time (the date literal must follow the ISO8601 format). JQL("issuekey=QI-695","summary") cell someplace off screen, then reference the cell two rows below that from wherever you want the Summary field to be displayed. Therefore, it’s important to have a basic understanding of how custom JQL JQL extensions allow you to search for issues depending on whether or not they currently have a timer running, or depending on their accumulated hours. I can't seem to use today(-14d) in my version of Jira which is 6. Share. dateCreation, 1, 4). Since: v1. Having problems? Check out our troubleshooting and how-to articles or ask for some help at support@sweetbananas. This page describes information about functions that are used for advanced searching. Having said that there are you can't get this date with JQL. The JQL function module (for Forge or Connect) creates a new custom JQL function, which appears built-in from the user’s perspective - it’s visible in the editor and shows up in the autocomplete dropdown. Component JQL Functions. If not, it is likely that there is another plugin installed and enabled on your instance which uses the same function name. Get the list of issues where status changed from In Progress to Done before some date. Whenever a JQL query with custom functions is sent for evaluation, the first step is to replace To clarify, is JQL the only way you want to use to compare the value of the date fields, or would a REST Endpoint suffice, i. The datetime functions return the value of current date, time, and timestamp on the database server. date fields and version fields. assignee = currentUser() AND lastCommentedDate < startOfMonth() status = 'In Progress' AND lastCommentedDate = '2016-10 You can use the Jira Query Language (JQL) to specify criteria that cannot be defined in the quick or basic searches. What is the JPQL equivalent of the PostgreSQL date_trunc('day', (entity. HP19 8DB United Kingdom. Issue JQL Functions. Answer accepted. e. 1 JQL Date/Time Functions Key highlights of the app Collection of JQL functions to create complex queries in Jira using string and date formats String Formats in an JQL Query formatString: The equivalent to Java's String. I spot a mistake in my spreadsheet and I want to find all tickets I have added invoices I need to run a JQL query where my fixversion = 2024. Elasticsearch has comprehensive support for date math both inside index names and queries. issueFunction: In it you could run X number of Lookup Issues actions using the same JQL suggested by John, but instead of using a fixed date you could use the startOfMonth() function. commentedByUser. For example, you could return all objects of a specific object type using the objectType keyword. 0 and higher. In the issues I looked through " project = FTE AND summary ~ "\\"IAW log review\\"" AND issuetype = Task AND status = "In Progress" AND updated <= -3d " For this JQL filter my team and I are trying to show issues that have been updated to in progress status more than 3 days ago. hello, I want to create a Jira JQL search for a range of dates but only by month. These functions will allow you to reference key points in time, like the start of the current day or the end of a week, without having to update your queries every time manually. 4. (1) issuetype = 'Test' and key in testSetTests('DEMO-5') componentLeads ([ProjecyKeyOrComponentID]) Function to find issues based on component leads. alters the logic of operators. Improve this answer. Unfortunately, JQL doesn’t support recurring date functions, so you have to manually list each day. I was looking at an example - just an example based on issue data. As a JQL/Groovy newbie I was hoping for an example of creating a JQL function that accesses issue fields. startOfWeek() - will resolve to Sunday 00:00; endOfWeek() - will resolve to Saturday 11:59 If you schedule issues to be worked on with another date custom field than due date, you could just replace due date with that other field. We will be using MySQL database in examples for writing the queries. So, to be 100% sure, it is better to use startOfDay(). commentedOnDate. For example, the JQL query below will search for Jira issues were work was logged on Feb 22nd 2022: Note: Formely this function works in the same way as issueHistory() native Jira JQL function, but also allows you to limit the result, so keep in mind that altough recentIssues() function returns issues ordered from the most recent viewed issues to older, due to a limitation of the JQL language you must order the results using the lastViewed What is the JPQL equivalent of the PostgreSQL date_trunc('day', (entity. In order to find issues that have been commented after a specified date, we need to create a SIL™ script with the following code: commented. 0. In SQL, dates are complicated for newbies, since while working with a database, the format of the data in the table must be matched with the input data to insert. The worklogDate function allows Jira users to search for issues where some work was logged at a specific date. A keyword in JQL is a word or phrase that does (or is) any of the following: joins two or more clauses together to form a complex JQL query. Time. inykgo bpytai obfmnj dgecf dcig jyf saha pikj zbgeou vqlbcv