Feet smell like cheese treatment. The most common is colloquially known as "Frito Feet.

Feet smell like cheese treatment How to Prevent the “Feet” Smell in Mozzarella Cheese. The more sweat there is, the more there is for bacteria to thrive on. Yeast infections also produce a distinct odor that can resemble popcorn. Can fungal infections cause foot odor? Yes, fungal infections like athlete’s foot can cause an unpleasant smell. Jul 21, 2023 · Nail smell like cheese as a result of nail infection, which is caused by the growth of bacteria and fungi in or on the skin beside the nails smelling like cheese. Jan 22, 2024 · We spoke to experts to break down why smelly feet happen, and how to banish any unwanted smells (especially ones that might indicate a more serious health issue). Dec 7, 2023 · Infection Smells Like Cheese can be caused by various factors, and in some cases, prescription medications may be needed to effectively treat the condition. Yes, inadequate foot hygiene can lead to bacterial or fungal growth, resulting in unpleasant nail smells. In some cases, athlete’s foot smell may be reminiscent of a cheese-like odor that is both unpleasant and persistent. he's tried almost everything but nothing helps. It’s caused by a combination of bacteria, yeast, and sweat on your dog’s paws. Treatment for smelly feet depends on the cause. I work in southern georgia as a farmer and well driller. Q: Is smelling like corn chips a sign of a serious health condition? A: In most cases, smelling like corn chips is not a cause for concern and can be managed with proper hygiene and preventive measures. his feet smell get so bad it makes you want to throw up Moist, wet feet; Rashes; An infection; Blistering or bubbling in the skin; Treating smelly feet. Why Do My Toenails Smell Like Cheese The odor can result from fungal or bacterial infections, poor hygiene, sweat buildup, or trapped debris under the nails. Not sure you'd want to eat it, or what you'd call it though. Along with the bad smell, fungal infections usually cause thick, discolored, and peeling nails. Rotate Your Shoes. This smell can be difficult to ignore and may worsen over time if left untreated. When these two ingredients come together, they produce thioalcohols — compounds that smell like sulfur, onions or raw meat. Concern: Why does my dog's feet smell like corn chips? Answer: The corn chip smell on your dog's feet is often caused by a buildup of bacteria and yeast, which can thrive in the warm and moist environment between their toes. Are there any underlying medical conditions that can cause a cheese-like smell from the big toe? 7. Dry your feet. Store mozzarella cheese in an airtight container or vacuum-sealed bag to minimize exposure to other odors. But there’s one really cool thing about it: my toes smell like cheese. Paying special attention to the areas around and between the toes can help reduce the bacteria. To treat the condition effectively, you need to understand the real cause of foot odour. Not wearing the same footwear every day can really help avoid shoe odor in addition to the stinky feet. Keep your dog's feet clean and dry to reduce the risk of infections. Why are some feet smellier than Oct 22, 2024 · What are some examples of cheeses that smell like stinky feet? Several varieties of cheese are notorious for their pungent aromas that can be likened to the smell of stinky feet. Dr. Jul 31, 2015 · She has found, for instance, that the malaria parasite seems to alter the mosquitoes’ sense of smell so that they are even more attracted to smellier feet, swarming to worn socks like bees to a Nov 22, 2024 · The Many Different Dog Smells, Good and Bad. Make sure to towel off feet after a shower or bath. Pododermatitis is a medical term used to describe inflammation of the skin of the paw. Another key difference is the source of the odor. I’m now back to normal but notice every time i remove my socks i smell the toe cheese. Rotate two or three pairs of shoes so you can give them a chance to dry out before wearing them again. Can I get rid of the corn chip smell on my dog's feet? 3. Byproducts associated with rot, such as propionic acid and butyric acid, can leave feet smelling like rancid cabbage. The Nov 19, 2016 · How to Get Rid of Smelly Feet: Home Remedies for Foot Odor. Antonopoulos has eight, non-prescription suggestions for stinky feet. R e a s o n s Y o u r D o g S m e l l s L i k e F r i t o s Here are 15 common concerns related to why your dog's feet might smell like corn chips: 1. Jan 31, 2022 · The same bacteria live on your feet and cause a cheese-like smell. This will help dry out your feet, to deprive bacteria of the damp conditions they flourish in. It helps the feet smell better. Jul 22, 2023 · Here’s our advice to help you leave smell feet in the past: Clean your feet once or twice a day with antibacterial soap. Suitability is based on the individual’s health status, and suitability to treatment available. As a matter of fact, you could dip your feet in milk to colonize it and make cheese out of it. So if your armpit sweat smells like onions, it may be a sign of apocrine bromhidrosis. Medical treatments for smelly feet. If you’ve never smelled your dog’s feet, do it. Butler said. 9. Does the smell of the cheese indicate poor quality? 2. If your smelly feet are caused by a fungal infection, a GP might prescribe a stronger antifungal treatment to clear it up. 5. So you may now be wondering what this has to do with nail fungus, and why the smell and fungal infection so frequently occur together. The most common foot-related chemical, isovaleric acid, is responsible for the smell we call “sweaty. 1. The cause of this smell is a fungus. Strong: Odor is evident on entering the room (6–10 feet or 2–3 meters from the patient) with the dressing removed. Below are some questions which should be explored when considering treatment – Apr 28, 2024 · Poor hygiene practices can contribute to foot odor. If you have smelly toes that get worse when you cut your nails, you likely have toenail fungus. Can stress or anxiety contribute to the cheese-like odor from the big toe? 10. Sep 26, 2024 · Some cheeses are infamous for their pungent, foot-like aroma, but there’s a fascinating science behind it. By understanding the causes, treatment options, and prevention strategies, you can address this issue and enjoy healthier, odor-free skin. Sep 12, 2023 · To get rid of the cheese-like odor, practice proper foot hygiene, trim nails regularly, use antifungal treatments if necessary, and wear breathable footwear. Nov 7, 2024 · And while difficult to tell, warts go much deeper into the skin than corns. Foot fungus can be similar, but it may be much more pungent. The issue is also very treatable. Strong, foul odor instead of mild "corn chip" scent; may smell rotten, stale, or like "moldy cheese" Excessive licking or chewing of the paws Redness, pustules, or sores on paws or between toes and pads Although it may seem strange that your dog smells like Fritos, the problem is very common due to a combination of sweat, yeast and bacterial build-up. Air them out. "Fungi like to grow in warm, moist areas, so when your feet sweat Sep 22, 2020 · However, as is the case in many phenomena in the real world, correlation does not mean causation. I’ve removed the cheese twice this month when in the past i only did maybe once a month and never had the smell issue before. A treatment plan may include at-home remedies like steam inhalation, OTC nasal sprays Best way so far (46 now and feet smell like roses for the last 10 years) is to use Arm and Hammer baking soda deodorant on your feet. This odor is commonly referred to as “Frito feet” and more commonly comes from bacteria called Pseudomonas or proteus that can affect a dog’s paws. Help? My husband has very stinky feet. There’s nothing like slipping off your shoes after a long day and being greeted by the distinct smell of stale butter popcorn, whi It turns out that foot odor doesn’t come from the feet. Bacteria feed off perspiration, producing acids that can make feet smell like cheese, sulfur or vinegar. Seriously. This means that while the cheese-like odor from your feet and toenail fungus may be linked, one is not directly a cause or product of the other. Athlete's foot. Learn more about the causes and treatments. Brevibacteria are considered a major cause of foot odor because they ingest dead skin on the feet and, in the process, convert amino acid methionine into methanethiol, which has a Why Do Feet Smell Like CHEESE?! 🤔, The Science Behind Stinky Feet & Cheese Odour!, Solving the Mystery of Cheesy Foot Smells! Sep 8, 2021 · In truth, it is not the nail fungus that causes the smell of cheese. The most common is colloquially known as "Frito Feet. 5 5. Fortunately, there are a few different things you can do to address bad foot odor. Dec 16, 2022 · When to see a doctor about feet that smell like vinegar For most people, the right foot self-care methods should do the trick. I wear ariant leather boots (western style) I started getting a bug bite and my feet just went down hill it ended turning into a fungal infection on my feet and like you said your clean as I am to but from being in 110 degrees all day I sweated so much them bites wouldn't heal. Incorporating natural remedies and homemade treatments into your dog’s grooming routine can be incredibly beneficial. Carefully wash and dry your feet at least once a day to wash away accumulating germs and fungi. Dec 12, 2024 · In short: Bacteria such as Proteus and Pseudomonas emit an odor that many interpret as a stale butter popcorn smell. It is better to prevent getting your nails from smelling like cheese by making sure you take care of your hygiene and eat healthy meals. Toenail fungus smell is often described as like stinky cheese, rotten eggs, decay or bad feet due to fungal waste gases and debris accumulating under nails. You can try various home remedies, but if those don’t solve the problem, a podiatrist or dermatologist can help you find a solution. Furthermore, if you have caught nail fungus, it can be easily treated using the FDA-approved PinPointe laser . Some describe the smell like that of malt vinegar. The key is making sure you follow them regularly and carefully. Visit a healthcare provider if you have symptoms so they can offer treatment to remove the infection from your body. But if you’re not happy with your results, Dr. If you suspect that your infection has a cheese-like smell, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any medication. Yes, it’s true. I’m not sure how long he microwaved it for but it has smelled every square inch of the house with a rancid cheese, feet and vomit smell. When you have apocrine bromhidrosis, body odor is the byproduct of lipid-rich apocrine gland sweat mixing with skin bacteria. Pitted keratolysis is a bacterial infection that can cause your feet to smell bad. By examining your dog early and regularly, you’re more likely to notice a change in appearance and seek treatment earlier. Why do my nails smell? The smell from toenail fungus infection usually smells like cheese and worsens when the nails are cut. Oct 16, 2021 · Deodorant can be applied to the soles. Feb 23, 2024 · 4. Can I get sick from eating cheese that smells bad? 2. Wash your feet daily with an antibacterial soap. Jun 25, 2024 · This distinctive smell can prompt curiosity and concern, with dog owners wondering: “Why do my dog’s paws smell like Fritos?” Rest assured, it’s a common occurrence in many dogs. I mean they smell like fresh, delicious sharp cheddar cheese. Protect your feet—Whenever you are in public areas like locker rooms, pools, and showers. Why does my cheddar cheese smell like feet after opening? Answer: Exposure to air can introduce bacteria that produce odor-causing compounds. The key to preventing toenail fungus is good foot hygiene. If the cause is sweating, they might suggest a stronger antiperspirant or treatment to reduce sweating. 8 8. To prevent mozzarella cheese from developing the foot-like smell in the first place, consider these tips: Proper Storage. Will changing my dog's diet help eliminate the corn chip odor? 4. It keeps the feet from sweating, just like the armpits. Jul 26, 2017 · These tips can help reduce your foot odor. Let’s dive into why some cheeses smell like feet—and why that’s a reason to love them even more! SEE ALSO: The organoleptic properties that make cheese such a universally loved food →. . Aug 2, 2022 · 2. Smelly feet with a mild odor are often the result of sweating and moisture , while a stronger odor probably involves the presence of some bacteria. Read on to learn, “why does my dog smell like fritos ?” and find out what you can do to keep your pooch smelling fresh. If you don’t wash your feet regularly or use antibacterial soap, bacteria can thrive and cause your toes to smell like cheese. Common Concerns and Answers Related to Getting Rid of the Corn Chip Smell on Your Dog's Feet: 1. Conversely, plantar warts tend to occur on the weight-bearing parts of the foot, like the ball of the foot. Onychomycosis can be tricky to treat, so it's best to see your family doctor to discuss the available treatment options. Or it could be the other way around and your feet just smell like parmesan. 2. Jan 10, 2025 · If your dog’s feet normally smell like Fritos and now they’re starting to “smell like moldy cheese, that’s when you need to contact your veterinarian,” Dr. Jun 19, 2024 · 1. Feb 8, 2024 · Treatment for a rotten smell in your nose will depend on the underlying cause and other symptoms. How can I reduce the strong smell of my cheese? 2. Jul 1, 2024 · Smelly feet are a common problem and nothing to be embarrassed about. The more your feet sweat, the smellier they are. Should I be concerned about nail odor? If you notice a persistent and strong cheesy smell from your nails, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider to rule out any underlying medical issues and receive proper treatment. The bacteria on your feet build up over time. When feet sweat a lot, they can play host to some extra-stinky bacteria. [11] [12] Using antibacterial soap to wash feet daily; keeping feet dry by changing socks daily and wearing cotton or wool instead of synthetic fibres can also help reduce moisture build-up Aug 5, 2021 · Smelly feet can be an unpleasant and embarrassing problem, but it’s usually easily treated by improving your foot hygiene and trying a few simple foot treatments. If your Parmesan smells like feet, something is wrong with that Parmesan in particular because that is not normal for Parmesan. Here are 10 ways to eliminate foot odor for good. How to Get Rid of Stinky Feet. At first it was so thick and stinky that I thought I was going to vomit. Skin that smells like corn chips can be a source of embarrassment and discomfort. Physicians Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians Feb 21, 2024 · This explains why many cheeses smell like feet, and feet smell like cheese! Biologist Bart Knols received an “Ig Nobel” Prize (for unusual scientific achievements) in 2006 for demonstrating that a type of mosquito known for transmitting malaria has an equal preference for Limburger cheese and the smell of human feet. 7 7. Jun 25, 2024 · What your feet smell like is partly determined by the type and amount of bacteria or fungi living there. Wound odour (like from a severe diabetic ulcer) can be more distinct and indescribable. Attas says. Some deodorant brands are meant for armpits alone, so to keep the areas fresh and dry, check the label to make sure the deodorant is safe to use anywhere. If you ever notice a rancid, pungent or musty odor coming from your dog's skin, it's best to seek veterinary attention, suggest Karen Helton Rhodes and Terri Bonenberger, two board-certified veterinary dermatologists. Why doesn’t all cheese smell like feet? 2. And I don’t mean it smells like dick cheese or some shit. Nov 5, 2024 · Dogs Ear Smells Like Fritos Or Corn Chips. These infections are commonly found in warm and moist regions of the body. You can combat and even prevent the appearance of this foul odor using natural homemade remedies. Relationship between the Cheese-like smell and Toenail fungus Mar 26, 2024 · Cheese-Like Odor. Can I eat cheddar cheese that smells like feet? Answer: If the odor is mild and there are no other signs of spoilage, it is generally safe to eat. Pododermatitis. Why Do Dogs Smell Like Corn Chips? That faint scent of corn chips wafting from your dog’s paws is known as “Frito feet. Have you ever noticed your dog’s feet smell like Fritos? Not everyone agrees with the label Frito feet but instead thinks their dog’s feet smell more like Doritos, popcorn, cheese, or corn chips in general. **Can Frito feet be caused by environmental factors?** Yes, environmental factors like allergens or irritants can contribute to Frito feet in dogs, so it's important to address these issues to reduce the odor The quality of foot odor is often reported as a thick, cheese-like smell. ” Aug 17, 2022 · This explains why many cheeses smell like feet, and feet smell like cheese! One study found around 75–80% of participants had reduced foot sweating after 20 days of this treatment. However, if the odor is accompanied by other symptoms or persists despite treatment, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional. Jun 15, 2022 · Laser Treatment for Toenail that smell like cheese As you can see, tips for healthy feet without nail fungus can be easy to find. ” This odor is typically caused by a buildup of bacteria on the feet and can be addressed with regular cleaning and Sep 9, 2024 · The 8 Possible Causes for Concern 1. Stick to cotton, leather, and breathable material. Soaking. " If you've ever been cuddling your fur baby and caught a whiff of something distinctly corn-like (a lot like corn chips like Fritos or Doritos or popcorn), this is what you're smelling. Foot odor can range from a mild, musty smell to that of old, strong smelling cheese. Understanding Foot Odour. Place deodorising insoles inside your shoes. Apr 12, 2023 · Fabrics like nylon, rayon, and others increase the chances of a funky smell because they mess with the airflow to your child’s feet. Practice good hygiene. Don’t forget between your toes. When I clip my toenails, my fingertips end up smelling like cheddar cheese too, and I’ll go as It’s like God himself has snuggled up into my sinuses and made a nest of that pleasantly pungent smell 🥰 When I was a kid I would take off my shoes and everyone in the room would wince and pinch their noses while shooing me to the bathroom to get rid of the odors my feet were exuding. Soak them joints in diluted vinegar mixed with rubbing alcohol, scrub them toes under and in between and after that keep them dry, (try foot powder or just some corn starch. Could the corn chip smell be a sign of an underlying health issue? 5. ) wear clean socks, try avoiding socks that aren't cotton and get some shoe deodorizers. Are Frito Feet Normal […] Mar 26, 2023 · If your dog’s feet normally smell like Fritos and now they’re starting to “smell like moldy cheese, that’s when you need to contact your veterinarian,” Dr. Why do my toenails smell like cheese? (The short answer) The primary reason your toenails might smell like cheese is the presence of trimethylamine (TMA), a naturally occurring chemical compound. It can have many underlying causes, and the color Dec 7, 2024 · Why Do Feet Smell Like CHEESE?! 🤔, The Science Behind Stinky Feet & Cheese Odour!, Solving the Mystery of Cheesy Foot Smells! Apr 7, 1998 · Very strong: Odor is evident on entering the room (6–10 feet or 2–3 meters from the patient) with the dressing intact. Is the corn chip smell harmful to my dog? 2. Feb 20, 2023 · Not all individuals will be suitable for treatment. So, why don’t all feet smell like cheese? Because the odor appears only when bacteria grows and produces several chemicals, including Sulphur – and it really stinks. 4 4. Jan 12, 2022 · Dogs produce a variety of smells—some good, some bad, and some that remind you of corn chips! The team at Eastside Veterinary Associates is here to explain the phenomenon of frito feet, and why your dog’s paws may smell like corn chips. There is a type of bacteria called Brevibacterium that is responsible for the odor. That same bacteria is used in the cheese creation process for Muenster, Entrammes, and Limburger cheeses. Those bacteria get rid of waste just like people do. Commercial products may help reduce the odor of Frito feet, but natural remedies can also be effective and gentler on your dog's paws. Funky and Frequent: Bacteria on the Feet You can avoid getting fungal infections on your feet in the first place by taking some simple steps: Proper hygiene—Keep your feet clean and dry. The bacteria can find its way into your toenails through sweat. One easy bromodosis treatment is daily foot washing. The same bacteria live on your feet and cause a cheese-like smell. 4. Dec 7, 2023 · Odor like cheese or yeast: Fungal infections, such as candidiasis or tinea versicolor, can give off a smell similar to cheese or yeast. For a thorough cleaning, consider soaking your feet for 10–20 minutes in a large bowl or tub of warm water with a half cup of What does it mean when feet smell like vinegar? Foot odour derives from sweat. As bacteria and fungi thrive in warm, dark, moist environments like sweaty shoes and socks, the pathogens themselves must be treated and destroyed. Athlete's foot is a common fungal infection that can cause feet to smell sour or similar to a funky cheese. To manage the condition effectively, you need to understand the real cause of foot odour. Rub surgical spirit on your feet with a cotton pad before you go to bed each night. 3 3. Sometimes, however, there may be a medical reason why your feet smell, and you may need to see a doctor. Best At-Home Yeast Infection Treatments for Dogs. Wash your feet once a day. Follow the three steps below to naturally treat your dog's yeast infection at home. In this article, we’ll delve into what causes the corn-chip smell, how to recognize it, and what steps pet parents can take to manage it effectively. And it’s the waste that smells so rotten. However, it can also be ammonia-like. It’s not the sweat that smells though: It’s the byproduct of the bacteria consuming your sweat. Can the Treatment of skin infections; Treatment of hyperhidrosis; Removal of nasal foreign body; Removal of apocrine glands — laser, surgery, liposuction curettage, microwave-induced fibrosis; Dietary modification for metabolic disorders; What is the outcome for bromhidrosis? Fixing bromhidrosis due to poor hygiene or other treatable causes can be So what does this fungal foot odor actually smell like? Here are some of the most frequently reported scents: A cheesy, yeasty smell reminiscent of Parmesan cheese; A musty, moldy smell like a damp basement; A sour, vinegary smell; A foul, rotting smell; The specific odor can vary depending on the type of fungus involved and which secondary A foot file, pumice stone or chemical treatment, such as an Alpha hydroxy acid containing foot peel preparation, can be used to remove dead skin cells. Limburger is perhaps the most famous example, known for its strong odor that arises from the Brevibacterium bacteria during its aging process. Should I be concerned if my dog's feet smell like corn chips? Some pet owners affectionately refer to the smell of their dog's feet as “Frito feet. Is it safe to eat cheese that smells like feet? 2. If that’s what you’re smelling, then it’s probably a fungal infection. Scrub to remove the dead skin, and then make sure your feet are completely dry before you put on your socks and shoes. Mar 24, 2016 · Acetic acid is a result of sugar fermentation — and is better known as vinegar. Use a mild soap and scrub brush to wash your feet at least once a day. Give Your Dog a Good Bath May 28, 2016 · An overgrowth of yeast and bacteria may cause problematic skin conditions that go beyond that typical popcorn smell. If left untreated, toenail fungus could lead to more serious health conditions. Propionibacterium is one type of bacteria that can give off a vinegar-like scent and could be contributing to feet smelling like vinegar. Bacteria and fungi on your feet are doing stuff on your feet that is similar to some of the processes going on in cheese. Jan 8, 2024 · For example, the “typical foot odour smell” tends to be vinegar-like, sour, or smell slightly like stinky cheese. This means that while we can take steps to reduce foot odor, like washing our feet regularly and wearing breathable shoes, we can’t do much about the smell of cat urine. Moderate: Odor is evident at close proximity to the patient when the dressing is intact. If a dog’s ear smells like Fritos or corn chips, it may be due to a buildup of yeast or bacteria. Jun 1, 2021 · It thrives in a damp, salty environment, and produces the cheese-like smell of feet. Warm Environments for Toenail Fungus Brevibacteria grows in warm and Aug 17, 2022 · This explains why many cheeses smell like feet, and feet smell like cheese! One study found around 75–80% of participants had reduced foot sweating after 20 days of this treatment; Jan 31, 2023 · Treatments include oral antifungal medication, topical medication, and laser treatments. Keep feet clean, dry and cool. May 13, 2012 · Well, it may look like cheese, but it certainly wouldn't taste like cheese because what's going on here is that you've probably got a fungal infection in your nail, and the name for that is onychomycosis. If this is a problem that you or a loved one struggles with, it is no laughing matter. TMA is produced when bacteria in the feet break down proteins, amino acids, and other nutrients. Dec 6, 2024 · Foot odor is a super common problem, especially if you live in a hot or humid environment. Can certain foods contribute to the cheese-like smell from the big toe? 8. Jan 9, 2025 · It’s often described as cheese-like, though some people think it smells like vomit. What makes cheese smell like feet? I used to religiously wash my feet and toes every shower but in pregnancy i stopped when i couldn’t reach anymore. Aug 28, 2020 · Washing. Have your toenail or feet ever smelled like cheese? People sometimes smell cheese smell from their feet when they have toenail fungus. The baking soda in the deodorant neutralizes the PH of your sweat and decreases the bacteria that create that funky smell. 6. Dog paws can smell like a lot of different things. However, if the smell is strong or accompanied by Apr 17, 2024 · Why do some people enjoy the smell of stinky cheese? 2. Rowland says it While we have discussed the importance of preventive measures in keeping your dog’s cheese-like smell at bay, let’s now explore effective home remedies that can further assist in this endeavor. But now my feet always smell and i can't get rid of it. Because these pathogens such as bacteria and fungi proliferate in warm, dark, moist environments like sweaty shoes and socks, the only effective care management is to kill the bacteria. Remember to practice good hygiene, explore treatment options, and consult a healthcare professional if needed. Location: Corns tend to occur in the non-weight bearing parts of the foot, like between or on top of the toes. If you notice a cheese-like odor coming from your feet, it is important to seek treatment for athlete’s foot as soon as possible. This explains why many cheeses smell like feet, and feet smell like cheese! Biologist Bart Knols received an “Ig Nobel” Prize (for unusual scientific achivements) in 2006 for demonstrating that a type of mosquito known for transmitting malaria has an equal preference for Limburger cheese and the smell of human feet. Foot odor is caused by bacteria that live on our skin, while cat urine is, obviously, produced by cats. My big brother had feet that smelled like death and we haven't smelled them since. May 8, 2024 · But sweat alone doesn’t have an odor, Dr. ” This phenomenon is common and has a straightforward explanation. A roomie of mine microwaved ‘bad’ cheese as he calls it (said it smelled off, microwaved anyway). The attending clinician will take a thorough medical history to form a basis of whether treatment should be considered. Is the cheese-like odor from the big toe contagious? 9. 6 6. If you still have an odor coming from your feet after you wash them at the end of the day, it’s a sign that you have pitted keratolysis. Try a spray. You can also check visually to see if it’s a fungal infection. Brevibacterium is used to mature certain types of cheese, which is what causes the commonly known funky smell. Frito feet is a real thing. Jun 15, 2022 · Do your toenails smell like cheese? It can be uncomfortable for you and others. Dec 18, 2014 · But my main problem is my feet smells really strong and stinky! i'm so embarrassed! what to do? I've never had a problem with smelly feet before. 10. And I mean they literally smell exactly like cheddar. Apr 24, 2021 · The smell from this condition can often feel embarrassing because of the stigma and societal associations with smelly feet. The nails can be painful with this infection. There are several steps you can take at home to improve your foot odor problem. These help: extra foot bath middle of day, alcohol spray, foot peels, powders, medical check for fungi with treatment if necessary, 2-3 pairs of work shoes that you rotate to allow others to dry, boot dryers or a cheap box fan in front of your extra shoes to help them dry faster. May 26, 2021 · Poor hygiene, excessive sweating, and athlete's foot are just some of the causes of smelly feet. Which treatment is right for you will depend on the severity of the infection and the medications your body can tolerate. Purchase an over-the-counter foot deodorant or antiperspirant. Or why does cheese smell like feet? Similar processes. The smell comes from the bacteria that live on those feet and in the dirty socks and shoes that cover them. gzixmf xbda taivt ueb cvbxzz elqnr ujgfzokd jiqedx iujunsmqc phtyqm