Sepia color code rgb The CMYK color model The hex code for Sepia is #704214. In the HSL color space #8e7a66 has a hue of 30° (degrees), 16% saturation and 48% lightness. This page provides a detailed analysis of the hex code #714c17. This page provides a detailed analysis of the hex code #6a3b14. 1% magenta, 82. 9% blue. Information on the #7F462C or Sepia html color code with its RGB and HSL make up, lighter and darker colors, analogous colors, and trinary colors. The RGB values of this color are 112, 66, 20 ( rgb(112, 66, 20) ). However, Sepia Rose can be applied to web pages with its HSL, RGB or the hex color code. The hexadecimal color code #8e7a66 is a shade of brown. 686G + 0. In the RGB color space, the hex code #A55F53 is comprised of 64. This page provides a detailed analysis of the hex code #9b5a3a. The color name for #704214 is Sepia and is belongs to the Brown color family (hue). The RGBPercent color 44%, 26%, 8% is a dark color, and the websafe version is hex 663300, and the color name is sepia. 42, lightness: 0. Jun 30, 2009 · Take a look at how it's implemented in the AForge. In the CMYK model, sepia is expressed as 0% cyan, 41% magenta, 82% yellow, and 56% black. . The CMYK color model The color named Sepia is represented by the hex code #9e6b4b, which consists of the symbol # and 6 letters or numbers in the hexadecimal numeral system. Caparol Sepia 5 / #d0c4a0 Hex Color Code. 393R + 0. Type. Get the RGB value of the pixel. RAL 8014 - Sepia Brown: Hex Color Code: #4A3526: RGB Color Code Jan 22, 2023 · The color code for sepia can vary depending on the specific shade or tone being used. The color sepia with hexadecimal color code #704214 is a medium dark shade of brown. In my calibre's css, I use a shade darker - EBDDB - and just brown for text. Sepia / Pantone / PMS 464 2X / #704214 Hex Color Code. This page provides a detailed analysis of the hex code #784716. Calculate tr, tg and tb using the formula tr = 0. #704214 color name is Sepia color. Closest WebSafe color: Red (#FF0000) G Search on Google RGB Colors An RGB color value is specified with: rgb(red, green, blue). In the RGB color model #d7824b is composed of 84. This color has an approximate wavelength of 652. 9% red, 37. The basics seem to be . The hex code for Sepia Black is #2B0202. 84% blue, giving it its deep brown hue. 75% red, 54. In the RGB color space, the hex code #9B5C38 is comprised of 60. A Little Historical Background on 【Sepia】の色見本と【Sepia】の関連色、および【Sepia】を使った配色などをご確認いただけます。 Sepiaの色見本 - color-sample Discover the warmth & timeless elegance of sepia tones on our site. The hexadecimal RGB code of Red color is #FF0000. Sepia toning is a chemical process used in photography which changes the appearance of black-and-white prints to brown. In the RGB color model #704214 is composed of 43. Caparol Sepia 4 / #bcac80 Hex Color Code. Crayola Sepia / #9e5b40 Hex Color Code. 8% green, and 8. #a56c4b hex color code information, a56c4b Sepia colour description, schemes and conversion in RGB(165, 108, 75), CMYK, HSL, HSV etc. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:0 M:25 Y:50 K:62. The CMYK color model (also known as process color, used in color printing) comprises 0. The CMYK color model, used in The color named Sepia Skin is represented by the hex code #99543c, which consists of the symbol # and 6 letters or numbers in the hexadecimal numeral system. This page provides a detailed analysis of the hex code #9b5c38. 1% green, and 31. 73% red, 67. 6% red, 43. Inversed color of #9E5B40 is #61A4BF. 6% red, 23. Its dim, dusty appearance adds a touch of melancholy, ideal for agriculture, legal, and food-related themes. Find HEX, RGB, and CMYK color code for complementary or opposite color of Sepia. 0% cyan, 41. 8% blue. 1% green, and 33. 8% Blue. In the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color space, which is used for digital colors, Sepia Skin has 62%% Red, 36% Green, and 25% Blue. In the HSL color space #d0c4a0 has a hue of 45° (degrees), 34% saturation and 72% lightness. 6% blue. In the HSL color space #a08a8c has a hue of 355° (degrees), 10% saturation and 58% lightness. The equivalent RGB values are (96, 72, 48), which means it is composed of 44% red, 33% green and 22% blue. The decimal RGB color code is rgb(255,0,0). Pantone / PMS 14-1803 TCX / Sepia Rose / #d5bbb6 Hex Color Code. In the RGB color space, the hex code #9D704A is comprised of 61. In the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color space, which is used for digital colors, Sepia has 44%% Red, 26% Green, and 8% Blue. 45% green and 50. If you're looking for a cool and modern sepia color palette for your project, you've come to the right place! Here are some sepia color palettes to help you find the perfect one for your project. The CMYK color model What is Sepia Rose Color? Included in the Pantone Textile Cotton eXtended list with the PMS number 14-1803 TCX, Sepia Rose color hex code is #D5BBB6 with RGB equivalent (213, 187, 182). In the RGB color space, the hex code #9E6B4B is comprised of 62% red, 42% green, and 29. What is Dark Sepia Color? Dark Sepia has the hex code #604830. Color Codes. This page provides a detailed analysis of the hex code #a86e56. 33% green and 71. 168B tb = 0. Generate CSS and HTML codes. Sepia color. 9% of Red, 25. The hexadecimal color code #d0c4a0 is a medium light shade of yellow. 14-1803 TCX Sepia Rose, represented by the hex code #d5bbb6, resides in the reddish-brown region of the color Discover latest handpicked Color Stories through the eyes of kidswear fashion: modern color that extend your vision and brand image. 04% blue. This code is composed of a hexadecimal FF red (255/256), a 00 green (0/256) and a 00 blue component (0/256). #643B0F Hex Color for the Web has the RGB values of 100, 59, 15 and the CMYK colour values of 0, 41, 85, 60. “Kindle Sepia Color Code” is published by Anuchit Vasinonta in greatnote. In the RGB color model, #704214 has a red value of 112, a green value of 66, and a blue value of 20. The CMYK color model, used Get all #704214 color code conversions: HEX, RGB, HSL, HSV, CMYK, YCBCR. #704214 hex color red value is 112, green value is 66 and the blue value of its RGB is 20. All we have to do is repeat 3 simple steps for each pixels of the image. Web safe color analog (approx): #996633. This page provides a detailed analysis of the hex code #9d704a. Grayscale: #6C6C6C. In the RGB color model #d5bbb6 is composed of 83. Sepia Skin has 17° Hue, 59% Saturation, and 62% Value in the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space, which is another way to represent digital colors. In the RGB color model #9e5b40 is composed of 61. 1% red, 27. 1% key (black). The color named Sepia is represented by the hex code #9d704a, which consists of the symbol # and 6 letters or numbers in the hexadecimal numeral system. Color Codes of Hearthstone in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX; Color Name Color Codes of Hearthstone as RGB; Color Name RGB Color Code; Sepia (115, 71, 28) Gamboge The color named Sepia Skin is represented by the hex code #9b5c38, which consists of the symbol # and 6 letters or numbers in the hexadecimal numeral system. 131B Take the integer value. Dutch Boy Crayola Sepia / #795e46 Hex Color Code. The CMYK values of Sepia Brown (RAL) are C:0 M:26 Y:47 K:72. PANTONE Pantone Color Palettes in one place: custom created with hand-picked color ideas: created to use across design, fashion design, kidswear, etc. rgb to HTML Color Codes Color Spaces; Random Colors. 37% blue. In the HSL color space #795e46 has a hue of 28° (degrees), 27% saturation and 37% lightness. In the RGB color space, the hex code #A86E56 is comprised of 65. In the HSL color space #8a7661 has a hue of 31° (degrees), 17% saturation and 46% lightness. 12% green and 54. The CMYK color model, used in Sepia: Hex Color Code: #704214: RGB Color Code: RGB(112, 66, 20) Facebook Twitter E-Mail Pinterest Reddit WhatsApp LinkedIn Right click and use "Save image as" option Color Spaces; Random Colors. These values can help you match the specific shade you are looking for and even help you find complementary colors. 08 , saturation: 0. In the RGB color model #795e46 is composed of 47. 8% green, and 9% blue. In the RGB color model #8a7661 is composed of 54. 3% green, and 22. The Hex color 704214 is a dark color, and the websafe version is hex 663300, and the color name is sepia. Jan 31, 2023 · The term sepia is a Latinized version of the Greek word spa, which means cuttlefish. Explore sepia color palettes & design inspiration w/ Numi Tech today. 8. RGB & HEX Color Explorer; Text as the color Sepia #704214 HTML: FF0000 FF0000 FF0000 FF0000 FF0000 255 0 0 Red RGB Color Code: #FF0000. It’s a warm neutral shade. [2] [7] About PANTONE 18-0928 TCX - Sepia Color - Explore color codes, color palette, similar colors, paints. Color Name: Sepia: Hex Color Code: #704214: RGB Color Code: RGB(112, 66, 20) CMYK The color named Sepia is represented by the hex code #6a3b14, which consists of the symbol # and 6 letters or numbers in the hexadecimal numeral system. In the RGB color space, the hex code #AB6E50 is comprised of 67. 84% green and 40. 7% red, 37. The hexadecimal color code #d7824b is a shade of orange. 8% red, 36. 98% green and 29. The hue is a combination of orange and brown. #704214 hex color code information, 704214 Sepia colour description, schemes and conversion in RGB(112, 66, 20), CMYK, HSL, HSV etc. #704214 is the hex code for sepia. 7% red, 41. 2% blue. The CMYK color model, used #754b15 hex color code information, 754b15 Sepia colour description, schemes and conversion in RGB(117, 75, 21), CMYK, HSL, HSV etc. This page provides a detailed analysis of the hex code #ab6e50. Sepia is a beautiful and unique color that evokes history and art. 0% blue. Sepia Black has 0° Hue, 95% Saturation, and 17% Value in the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space, which is another way to represent digital colors. [2] [6] The color is now often associated with antique photographs. . 31% red, 50. This Sepia Brown comes from the RAL Classic list where it is numbered 8014. 9% Green and 7. The color named Sepia is represented by the hex code #ab6c5b, which consists of the symbol # and 6 letters or numbers in the hexadecimal numeral system. 5% blue. In the RGB color model #bcac80 is composed of 73. What is Sepia Brown (RAL) Color? Sepia Brown (RAL) color hex code is #483526 and RGB (72, 53, 38). 349R + 0. In the HSL color space #4a3526 has a hue of 25° (degrees), 32% saturation and 22% lightness. 4% blue. In the HSV/HSB scale, #784212 has a hue of 28°, 85% saturation and a brightness value of 47%. 1% green, and 29% blue. 88% green and 7. Each parameter (red, green, and blue) defines the intensity of the color and can be an integer between 0 and 255 or a percentage value (from 0% to 100%). 92% red, 25. However, in digital media, sepia is often represented by the RGB color code (165, 105, 79) or #704214Hex code. 78% green and 14. The color named Sepia Skin is represented by the hex code #9b5a3a, which consists of the symbol # and 6 letters or numbers in the hexadecimal numeral system. The color named Sepia is represented by the hex code #714c17, which consists of the symbol # and 6 letters or numbers in the hexadecimal numeral system. 3% green, and 25. This page provides a detailed analysis of the hex code #9d5e3d. Here are some alternatives to the color Sepia: #702b14: A dark reddish-brown color that maintains the warm, nostalgic feel of Sepia while adding a touch more red. This page provides a detailed analysis of the hex code #1a0205. This page provides a detailed analysis of the hex code #a05c4f. The color named Sepia is represented by the hex code #a05c4f, which consists of the symbol # and 6 letters or numbers in the hexadecimal numeral system. The hexadecimal color code #9e5b40 is a shade of red-orange. Red value of its RGB is 43, Green value is 2 and blue value is 2. 48 nm. 1% blue. In the RGB color space, the hex code #714C17 is comprised of 44. Toggle navigation. In the HSV/HSB scale, Sepia Yellow has a hue of 40°, 54% saturation and a brightness value of 55%. In the RGB color model #d0c4a0 is composed of 81. Hex 704214 color converted to 17 different formats like RGB, CMYK, HSV, HSL. This code is composed of a hexadecimal 70 red (112/256), a 42 green (66/256) and a 14 blue component (20/256). com What is hex #784212 Color? The color name of hex code #784212 is Sepia. The red, green and blue use 8 bits each, which have integer values from 0 to 255. Discover all the similar standard color names: CSS, x11, Pantone, RAL name. About sepia tone. In the RGB color space, the hex code #6A3B14 is comprised of 41. In the HSV/HSB scale, Dark Sepia has a hue of 30°, 50% saturation and a brightness value of 38%. 189B tg = 0. The CMYK color model, used in RAL 8014 Sepia brown to RGB: Red: 74 (29%) You can browse all 215 RAL Classic chart color chips with digitalized equivalent color examples and official RAL Codes RGB 112, 66, 20 color converted to 17 different formats like RGB, CMYK, HSV, HSL. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #704214 hue: 0. Sepia Tint: Hex Color Code: #897560: RGB Color Code The color named Sepia Black is represented by the hex code #1a0205, which consists of the symbol # and 6 letters or numbers in the hexadecimal numeral system. 8% red, 35. In the RGB color space, the hex code #AB6C5B is comprised of 67. Windows color (decimal): -6399168 or 4217758. The page belows contains color combinations, color schemes, color palettes and images that match and go good together with the hex color 643B0F. Sepia is a color that belongs to the brown color family. In a RGB color space, HEX #A5694F is composed of 64. 53% red, 73. 1% green, and 31% blue. The CMYK color model, used in Nov 21, 2024 · Hue. In the HSL color space #9e5b40 has a hue of 17° (degrees), 42% saturation and 44% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 585. Color name Sepia, hex code #a5694f, contains symbol # and 6 letters or numbers. 44%. 45% red, 36. HSV Color Spaces; Random Colors #4a3526 Hex Color Code. what your code does is that it will transfer an RGB image into a sepia image that is called grayscale_image for whatever reason. The CMYK color model, used in What is Sepia Color? Sepia has the hex code #80613C. The hexadecimal RGB code of Sepia color is #704214. セピア色(セピアいろ) セピア(Sepia)の色見本やRGB、HSVなどの詳しい色情報を見ることができます。 セピア色(セピアいろ) セピア(Sepia)の色相や彩度を変えたときの配色なども一覧で表示します。 Sep 20, 2018 · Kindle sepia color code reading background:#FBF0D9;color:#5F4B32;. 70 and the lightness value of 704 In the RGB color model, Sepia has a red value of 112, a green value of 66, and a blue value of 20. RAL 8014 colour belongs to RAL Classic Color System, a colour matching system mainly used for varnish and powder coating but nowadays there are reference panels for plastics as well. 1% green, and 7. Incorporating the hex color #704214, this gradient showcases a visual transformation through shade variation, transitioning from #704214 to #613305, #522400, and #7F5123. RGB Octal 160, 102, 24 The sepia hex code #704214 represents this rich, earthy tone reminiscent of vintage photographs and natural warmth. Thankfully, the HEX value for sepia is simple; the code you need to input is #774212. The RGB color code for color number #704214 is RGB(112, 66, 20) . 9% red, 43. HSL color Cylindrical-coordinate representation of color #9E5B40: hue angle of 17. 02% red, 20. Mar 1, 2011 · if anyone knows the colour codes for reproducing the Kindle 4pc sepia page effect, that would be helpful It uses #f1e7d0 under the text, and 5f5f54 in the margins/background. 96% red, 35. HEX color code #704214 represent the color in hexadecimal format by combining three values – the amounts of Red, Green and Blue (RGB). In the RGB color space, the hex code #9D5E3D is comprised of 61. Pantone / PMS 17-1314 TPG / Sepia Tint / #8e7a66 Hex Color Code. This page provides a detailed analysis of the hex code #9e6b4b. This page provides a detailed analysis of the hex code #ab6c5b. In the RGB color model, sepia is composed of 43. 1% red, 43. The hex code for Sepia Skin is #9E5B40. The hexadecimal color code #d5bbb6 is a light shade of red. This page provides a detailed analysis of the hex code #a55f53. then it will create a gray scale image named sepia_img. Sepia Color HEX color code is #704214 and the RGB is 112, 66, 20. In the HSL color space #d7824b has a hue of 24° (degrees), 64% saturation and 57% lightness. In the HSL color space #d5bbb6 has a hue of 10° (degrees), 27% saturation and 77% lightness. It brings a sense of vintage and elegance, perfect for creating a classic and timeless space. Explore its hex code, RGB and HSL values, and discover complementary colors to create stunning color palettes for your projects. The Sepia gradient offers a vibrant color scheme palette with 4 shades. Sepia has 30° Hue, 82% Saturation, and 44% Value in the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space, which is another way to represent digital colors. The equivalent RGB values are (128, 97, 60), which means it is composed of 45% red, 34% green and 21% blue. Converting a color image into sepia image is very simple. In the RGB color space, the hex code #9B5A3A is comprised of 60. 272R + 0. sepia tone (#704214) is a versatile color that can be used in various design contexts. See more color palettes . RGB color space or RGB color system, constructs all the colors from the combination of the Red, Green and Blue colors. 534G + 0. This page provides a detailed analysis of the hex code #a85f42. In the RGB color space, the hex code #A85F42 is comprised of 65. 3% red, 29. Home | About | Hex Colors | #774715 hex color code information, 774715 Sepia colour description, schemes and conversion in RGB(119, 71, 21), CMYK, HSL, HSV etc. Sepia Brown PMS, Hex, RGB and CMYK Color Codes If you are looking for the specific color values of sepia brown, you will find them on this page. 6% red, 36. HTML Color Codes From Dan's Tools. 7% red, 36. HEX #704214 color name is Sepia. Sepia is represented by the RGB color code RGB (112,66,20). Learn more » Color Spaces; Random Colors. 1% yellow, and 56. See example mockup designs and images | HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL, HSV/HSB | Colorxs. Hex color #9E5B40 is not a web safe color. The hexadecimal color code #4a3526 is a dark shade of orange. The RGB color 112, 66, 20 is a dark color, and the websafe version is hex 663300, and the color name is sepia. As per HSB/HSV model, the color has a hue of 26°, saturation of 47% and a brightness of 28%. 27% green and 38. 84% blue. Sepia is a dark brown shade with the hex code #704214. 86% green and 62. In the HSL color space #bcac80 has a hue of 44° (degrees), 31% saturation and 62% lightness. OLE color: 4217758. In the RGB color space, the hex code #A05C4F is comprised of 62. The CMYK color model, used in The hex code for Sepia is #704214. 99Colors. The CMYK color model, used Information on the #704214 or Sepia Brown html color code with its RGB and HSL make up, lighter and darker colors, analogous colors, and trinary colors. 4% green, and 35. Hex code: #704214; RGB color code: rgb(112, 66, 20) CMYK color code: 0, 41, 82, 56; Sepia Color Alternatives. NET library, the C# code is here. Home; Generate Color Palette . Red value of its RGB is 108, Green value is 87 and blue value is 64. 88% green, and 7. transform it to the YIQ color space; modify it; transform back to RGB; The full alrogithm is in the source code, plus the RGB -> YIQ and YIQ -> RGB transformations are explained. The equivalent RGB values are (140, 115, 64), which means it is composed of 44% red, 36% green and 20% blue. The color named Sepia Skin is represented by the hex code #a85f42, which consists of the symbol # and 6 letters or numbers in the hexadecimal numeral system. The CMYK color model, used The color named Sepia is represented by the hex code #ab6e50, which consists of the symbol # and 6 letters or numbers in the hexadecimal numeral system. 01 nm. In the RGB color model #8e7a66 is composed of 55. About RAL 8014 - Sepia Brown Color - Explore color codes, color palette, similar colors, paints. The HEX color system is popular in many graphic design centers, so if you work in the industry there’s a good chance you’re completing your projects based on this spectrum. Dec 2, 2019 · Then values of red, green and blue for your new sepia-ed pixel will be: If tr > 255 then r = 255 else r = tr If tg > 255 then g = 255 else g = tg If tb > 255 then b = 255 else b = tb I'll let you write the Python code, it shouldn't be that hard ! About PANTONE 14-1803 TCX - Sepia Rose Color - Explore color codes, color palette, similar colors, paints. 12% red, 46. Value The color named Sepia Skin is represented by the hex code #9d5e3d, which consists of the symbol # and 6 letters or numbers in the hexadecimal numeral system. In the RGB color space, the hex code #1A0205 is comprised of 10. This web color is described by the following tags: BROWN, ORANGE, SEPIA. 69% green and 25. #704214 color RGB value is (112,66,20). In the HSL color space #704214 has a hue of 30° (degrees), 70% saturation and 26% lightness. 8% green, and 2% blue. The Sepia Color Code: The HEX Code. What is Sepia Yellow Color? Sepia Yellow has the hex code #8C7340. 45% blue. Sepia Hex, RGB, and CMYK Color Codes. This color has an approximate wavelength of Hex Color and RGB Code for Sepia, with Hex Code #704214 and RGB code 112, 66, 20. 7% blue. Color image to sepia image. 3% green, and 32. A 20% lighter version of the original color is A87242, and 3B1700 is the 20% darker maybe the naming just confused me. This page provides a detailed analysis of the hex code #996e4a. Sepia: Hex Color Code: #6B543E: RGB Color Code: RGB(107, 84, 62) Sepia has a hex code of #704214 and an RGB code of (112, 66, 20). In the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color space, which is used for digital colors, Sepia Black has 17%% Red, 1% Green, and 1% Blue. 769G + 0. Most photo graphics software programs and many digital cameras include a sepia tone filter to mimic the appearance of sepia-toned prints. In the RGB color space, the hex code #784716 is comprised of 47. 9% green, and 29% blue. 9% green, and 23. This muted color evokes feelings of strength, reliability, and warmth, making it suitable for designs that seek comfort and security. Sepia is a mixture of orange and brown, and it belongs to the brown color family. About PANTONE 17-1314 TCX - Sepia Tint Color - Explore color codes, color palette, similar colors, paints. In the RGB color space, the hex code #99543C is comprised of 60% red, 32. In the RGB color space, the hex code #996E4A is comprised of 60% red, 43. In the RGB color model #4a3526 is composed of 29. 41% blue. This color has an approximate wavelength of RGBPercent 44%, 26%, 8% color converted to 17 different formats like RGB, CMYK, HSV, HSL. Color Spaces; Random Colors. The color named Sepia is represented by the hex code #996e4a, which consists of the symbol # and 6 letters or numbers in the hexadecimal numeral system. The hexadecimal color code #bcac80 is a medium light shade of yellow. In the RGB color model #a08a8c is composed of 62. 86% green and 27. The RGB values are (120, 66, 18) which means it is composed of 59% red, 32% green and 9% blue The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:0 M:45 Y:85 K:53. RGB Colors An RGB color value is specified with: rgb(red, green, blue). In the CMYK color model (used in the printing process), the composition is 0% Cyan, 36% Magenta, 52% Yellow, and 35% key (black). The color named Sepia is represented by the hex code #784716, which consists of the symbol # and 6 letters or numbers in the hexadecimal numeral system. 69% red, 47. This page provides a detailed analysis of the hex code #99543c. 23º degrees, saturation: 0. The CMYK color model, used The color named Sepia is represented by the hex code #a86e56, which consists of the symbol # and 6 letters or numbers in the hexadecimal numeral system. Pantone / PMS 17-1314 TCX / Sepia Tint / #8a7661 Hex Color Code. That means #704214 color is composed of 43. 2% red, 0. #6f4116 hex color code information, 6f4116 Sepia colour description, schemes and conversion in RGB(111, 65, 22), CMYK, HSL, HSV etc. It is not a web color and, hence, cannot be used by name in HTML and CSS. The hexadecimal color code #8a7661 is a shade of brown. The CMYK color model #653b13 hex color code information, 653b13 Sepia colour description, schemes and conversion in RGB(101, 59, 19), CMYK, HSL, HSV etc. We will also show you some of the best color combinations to make your project look modern and professional. 2% green and 31% blue. The CMYK color model, used in Sepia is a warm and nostalgic brown color. 1% red, 42. 75% blue. A complement of this color would be 144270, and the grayscale version is 4B4B4B. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:0 M:18 Y:54 K:45. 57% red, 76. The hexadecimal color code #795e46 is a medium dark shade of orange. The CMYK color model Caran d'Ache 902 Sepia 10% / #a08a8c Hex Color Code. The RGB Values and Percentages for Sepia Sepia / #704214 hex color code information, schemes, description and conversion in RGB, HSL, HSV, CMYK, etc. Games Workshop - Citadel Seraphim Sepia / #d7824b Hex Color Code. These color codes represent a warm, brownish-gray hue that is similar to the natural color of the sepia ink used in traditional photography. 1% green, and 22% blue. If nostalgia had a color it would be Sepia with its rusty and The color named Sepia is represented by the hex code #a55f53, which consists of the symbol # and 6 letters or numbers in the hexadecimal numeral system. The hexadecimal color code #a08a8c is a shade of pink-red.
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